Girlfriends and Goodbyes

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Thia stayed up late that night, thinking about her conversation with Jeremy. She was about to turn over and go to sleep when she saw a faint glow from her trunk. Quietly, she opened it, looking for its source. 

It was the journal Mo had given her, the sunflower covering emitting a soft light. Thia stole out of the room, careful not to wake Ellie or Teddy, and sat down at the kitchen table. She whispered, "Lumos", using her wand's light to read by.

When do you come home? I miss you. Thia laughed silently, tracing her fingers over Mo's words.

Tomorrow, love. I'll be home tomorrow.

That's too long. She grinned, picturing the pout of her girlfriend's face. I wish you were home now.

Well, you'll just have to wait. Ellie is asleep, and I'm not about to wake her up.

Okay, fair. Why aren't you asleep? It's past midnight.

My brain is too loud. Why are you up?

Missing you. The bed's too cold without you here. Thia rolled her eyes at the sappiness.

If you go to sleep, it'll seem like I'm home that much sooner.


Did you really just answer with a sad face? Tell you what, if you go to sleep now, Ellie, Cosette, and I will Floo home instead of taking the train.


Thia laughed, drawing a heart before closing the book and returning to bed. She tucked it beneath her pillow, lay down, and fell asleep.


"I promised Mo I would Floo home today," Thia told Teddy over breakfast, "She gets very pouty when we're apart."

Teddy laughed, "Nix used to be the same. Well, you can use my fireplace soon as you're ready. Will Cosette be okay with it?"

"She'll be fine. It's how we get to work every day." Thia glanced at the clock, "Although I have something I need to do before we leave."

"Going to say goodbye to Emily?" She looked up at him, nodding, "Just be careful. She likes to talk. A lot."

Thia smiled lopsidedly, "I think I'll be fine. Ellie, want to come with? Or do you want to stay with Teddy?"

The five-year-old looked up from her pancakes, "Huh?"


Thia knocked on the door, one hand on Cosette's harness. It had snowed last night, and that made it difficult for her to keep her balance.

The door opened, revealing a little boy who looked up at her in surprise. From behind him, someone called, "Ced, what have I told you about opening the door?"

Amos appeared behind his son, looking at Thia, "Hello. Can I help you?"

"Is Emily here? I wanted to say goodbye." Amos started slightly, but nodded.

"Ced, why don't you go find Nana?" The little boy ran off, "Come in." 

Thia stepped inside, letting him close the door behind her, but she stayed near it. Emily came from the kitchen, her hands off on her apron.

"Thia! Hello again." She hugged Thia. Thia hugged her back, smelling cinnamon and apples.

"I just came by to say goodbye before I head back to London." Emily clucked, looking disappointed.

"Already? You've hardly been here a week!"

Thia laughed, "You sound like Teddy. He said the same thing. But my classes start again on Monday, so I've got to get back. Plus Ellie misses her godfather."

"Oh, posh," she waved a hand and Thia laughed again, "You just be sure to come visit again."

"Of course I will," Thia hugged the old woman again, then took a step back, "I really should be going though."

"I'll walk you back," Amos said suddenly. Thia raised an eyebrow, but nodded.

"Goodbye, dear." Thia waved as they stepped outside, keeping one hand on Cosette's harness. They walked in silence.

"I wanted to apologise," Amos broke it, "For how I acted when you first showed up."

Thia gave him a lopsided smile, "I accept your apology." She stumbled over an icy patch, and Amos caught her with one hand on her shoulder. "Thanks."

They arrived at Teddy's, where Teddy and Ellie were playing out in the snow. He looked up, then did a double-take. Amos's eyes widened and he started to laugh.

"Ambrose Diggory, is that you?" The men hugged, "I haven't seen you since Hogwarts!"

Amos's eyes flicked from Teddy to Thia, who was kneeling beside Ellie, "Uh, Teddy..."

Teddy waved a hand, "Thia's a witch, don't worry. Hey!"

She had helped Ellie throw a snowball at him, hitting him in the face. Ellie shrieked with laughter, running away when Teddy came after her. Thia stood.

"So that's what you meant," Amos said, laughing, "And when Ellie said you were a healer... Merlin, I should have put that together."

Thia shrugged, watching Teddy scoop up Ellie and toss her over her shoulder, "Hey, if you didn't realise, that means I was convincing. So good."

"Yes, I suppose." he looked down at her, "It's good to... see you again, Thia."

She smiled, "You too, Beau."


"Mo, we're back!" Thia bent over, removing Cosette's harness. She had stopped by Remus's place to drop of Ellie,  When she straightened, Mo was there, hugging her tightly. Thia gave a startled laugh, which Mo silenced with a kiss.

Thia leaned into her, eyes flickering closed. Her hands found their way into Mo's hair, tugging gently. A moan escaped her lips. Mo pressed her against the fireplace, cupping her face in one hand, pulling back slightly. Thia's eyes opened, gazing into Mo's.

"I missed you." Thia could feel Mo's lips move against hers.

"Gee, couldn't tell," she teased, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

"I take that as a challenge, Miss Simmons," Mo lifted her so that she could wrap her legs around her waist, "One I intend to win."

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