Potter and Panic Attacks

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The next day, James woke to see a small child sitting on the bed next to his. Her head was cocked to one side, making her look like a sparrow. The two spent a few minutes studying each other.

"Hello," James said finally, his voice crackly from dehydration. The little girl handed him a glass of water. He nodded in thanks, gulping it down. It eventually clicked in his head that this was Thia, the girl that Remus always talked about. 

"You wouldn't know how long I've been asleep, would you?" He asked her.

"Remmy and the others brought you in last night, before dinner." Her voice was quiet, almost as if she were scared to say anything at all.

"What time is it now?" He watched Thia shrug, "Where's Madam Pomfrey?"

"Getting breakfast from the kitchens," As if reminded of something, Thia grabbed a small vial from the table between them, "Drink all of this."

James obeyed, chuckling at the petite girl bossing him around. The potion she gave him was disgusting, so much so that he started gagging. Wordlessly, Thia put an empty bin in his lap, but he managed to swallow the bile that rose in his throat.

"What was that?" James coughed.

"Modified Pepperup Potion," Madam Pomfrey said, entering with three floating trays. One she gave to Thia, another to James, and the third she floated into the office. They ate in silence.

Once James had finished with his plate, the little girl took it from him, piling it on top of hers before he could protest. Thia went and took her aunt's as well, disappearing out the door.

After months of travelling the castle, both with and without her friends, Thia knew the main paths like the back of her hand. She had made it all the way down to the kitchens and halfway back when she found herself lost. One wrong turn had turned into two, and then three.

She knew she was in a classroom corridor because she could hear the teachers lecturing. The paintings on the walls were much too high for her to ask for directions, even if she could have made her voice work. Heavy footsteps echoed through the hall she was in, along with the click of nails against stone.

Slowly, panic began to creep up her back, squeezing her chest like an arm. Heart banging in her ears, Thia crouched low, making herself smaller. Her eyes went wide as she caught sight of the shadow. She tucked her head down, pressing herself against the wall. Tears slipped down her face as she wrapped her arms around her knees.

Then she felt a tickling sensation in her hair.

Michael "Mickey" Burns turned the corner of the Charms corridor, his service dog Kit at his side. The last thing he expected to see was a little girl curled in a ball. The Seventh-Year stopped in his tracks, as did Kit. After the moment of shock faded and concern took its place, he noticed that despite it still being warm, the girl was in a long skirt, long-sleeved shirt, and had thin gloves over her hands.

Slowly, he approached the girl, kneeling beside her when he was close. Kit bumped her nose against her head, making the child lift it. Her face was wet with tears, and even Mickey could see that she was tense. He put his hands where she could see them. She moved away from him.

"Hello," Mickey said quietly, "I'm Mickey. What's your name?" She hid her face again. Kit looked from her master to the little girl in front of her. Mickey ran his hand through his curls, thinking for a moment. As he did, he watched a small hand reach out and stroke Kit. He grinned.

"Kit, stay," He told her. Technically, he wasn't supposed to be without her, but the child needed her more. Mickey ventured down the hall, finding a door that was both open and had a teacher in it. He rapped on the door.

"Ah, hello Mister Burns, what may I do for you? And where is Kit?" Professor Carroll asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"She's with a girl I found. Very young, and I think she's having a panic attack. Wouldn't let me get near her." The Muggle Studies teacher frowned, setting down her quill. 

"How young? What does she look like?"

"Too young for classes. Blonde, with big brown eyes," He told her as they hurried back the way he came. They rounded the corner to see Kit curled around the child, who looked absolutely terrified.

"Stay back a little, Mickey," The professor told him as she approached the girl, "Hello, love. Are you Helianthia?" Mickey saw her nod.

"I'm Professor Carroll. The lad back there is Mickey. Is it alright if he comes closer?" Another tiny nod. Mickey moved slowly, sitting beside Kit.

"Hello, Helianthia," He murmured, "This is Kit." Mickey patted his dog's head. Thia's hand stroked Kit's ear.

"Shouldn't you be with your godmother, love?"

"Got lost," was the quiet reply. 

"Would you like one of us to walk you back?" A nod was the answer to Professor Carroll's question, with a point at Kit.

"Well, Mickey will go with you then. Kit is his dog." Thia went to stand, but her legs weren't strong enough to hold her. Mickey caught her, steadying her legs beneath her. Again, the left leg buckled.

"Is it alright if I carry you, Helianthia? I don't think your leg will hold you," Mickey told her. She hesitated, then nodded. He balanced her on his hip.

"Her godmother is Madam Pomfrey, the new matron." Mickey nodded before heading off, patting his thigh for Kit to follow. Thia buried her head in his shoulder.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" He brushed the hair away from her face. She shook her head. Mickey let her be. Soon enough they were at the Hospital Wing. He entered, holding the door for Kit to follow. Looking around, he didn't see the matron, only a boy in one of the beds.

"If you're looking for Madam Pomfrey, she's in her office." The boy told him. Mickey nodded in thanks, knocking on the open office door. 

The witch looked up from the cauldron she was stirring. When she noticed Thia, she nearly dropped the spoon she was holding.

"What happened?" 

"I found her in the middle of a panic attack in the Charms Corridor. Professor Carroll and I calmed her down enough that she let me get close. Of course, Kit was a big help." Mickey nodded to his labradoodle, "She wasn't able to stand up though. Her leg kept buckling." He set the child down on a chair.

"She has a prosthetic leg. Must have messed up the joint," Madam Pomfrey told him, "Don't go telling others about her leg, mind. I want her treated like everyone else." Mickey nodded. 

"If you'd like, I could look at her leg. I'm quite mechanically minded," He grinned. The older witch smiled back.

"If you could, you'd be a lifesaver. I don't have the time to find someone to fix it."

"I'll come by after classes if that's alright. I'd rather not fall behind during N.E.W.T. year."

"That would be lovely. Thank you, Mister...?"

"Mickey Burns. And it's no trouble. Helianthia's a sweet girl."

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