Life In The Hospital Wing

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When Thia woke the Monday after the start of the term, her godmother was nowhere in sight. Thia slipped out of her bed, grabbing her crutch, and hobbled out into the Hospital Wing. Their room was connected in the case that a sick child needed overnight attention.

In the bed closest to her lay a heavily bandaged boy. Poppy stood over him, talking softly as she helped him sit up. Thia walked up to her godmother, pulling gently at her sleeve. The matron smiled down at her.

"Well, it's about time you woke up, now wasn't it?" Poppy said, picking her up, "why don't you sit here with Remus, love? I'll go get your limbs." Thia was placed beside the boy, her back resting against the footboard. She observed her friend, noticing the tired look in his green eyes. He forced a smile.

"'Ello, Thia," Remus croaked. The little girl took the water from the bedside table and handed it to the boy. He nodded in thanks and drank it.

"What happened, Remmy?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. Remus thought that she looked like a little sparrow.

"Just an accident. I'll be fine by tomorrow." He shrugged, wincing in pain. Just then, Poppy returned, holding Thia's arm and leg. She rolled up her pant leg, helping her godmother to fasten the buckles. She helped her do the same with her arm.

"Come on, love. Let's go down to the kitchen. we can get you and Remus some breakfast." Poppy helped the girl to stand, smiling at Remus, "We'll be back up in a few minutes, dear." He nodded as he watched the pair leave.

Thia walked mutely beside her godmother, hiding behind her when she stopped to talk to other teachers. She watched the students as they wandered the halls before classes started, just as they watched her, having not seen her before. She hadn't been at the Welcome Feast, nor any other whole school meal, as she was typically sleeping. They had, of course, heard about her, Dumbledore having given the whole school a message about her. 

Poppy and Thia made their way to the kitchen, where she and Thia took most of their meals. Poppy tickled the pear in the painting blocking the doorway, and the pair stepped inside. Immediately, house-elves swarmed around them, asking how they could be of service.

"We'll need two platters of pancakes, please," Poppy said and was immediately provided with them.

"Anything else, Madam?"  One of the elves asked, his large ears twitching. Thia giggled, and he smiled at her, "Would you like a bit of cake, Miss?" Thia glanced up at her godmother, who nodded. 

"Yes, please," Thia said, lisping through the gap where her front tooth should be. She had lost it the day before. She took the plate from the elf, thanking him with a sunny smile as she followed her godmother out the door.

By now, most people were eating in the Great Hall, so they didn't have to fight through the crowds to get to the Hospital Wing. Poppy handed Remus his food before helping Thia sit beside him again. She left the two to eat, going back into her office.

"How do you like Hogwarts?" Thia asked her friend between bites.

"It's... nice," he said after a moment, "I think you'd like my dorm mates, Thia. Kai is one of them."

"What about the others?" 

"They're a bit... wild. James Potter is a prankster. I'd introduce you to him, but he might try to convince you to prank with him. I'm not sure how your godmother would feel about that," Remus chuckled, "Sirius Black is a lot like James, but, I don't know, more distant. There's also Peter. Nice kid, a bit shy though."

The two sat in each other's company, finishing their breakfast in silence. Thia took Remus's dishes in addition to her own, poking her head into Poppy's office.

"I'm taking the dishes down," Thia told her. Poppy looked up, hesitant about letting her go on her own. "I'll be fine, Aunt Poppy."

"Alright, love. Come straight back here once you're done, though." Thia nodded before leaving.

For the second time that day, she made her way down the stairs to the kitchen. She managed to get lost a few times until a helpful painting of an older witch led the way by hopping from portrait to portrait.

"Thank you," She told the woman when they had reached the pear. 

"Anytime, deary. Think you'll need help getting back?" Thia thought for a moment before nodding sheepishly.

"If you wouldn't mind."

"Nonsense," The old woman waved her hand dismissively, "I'll wait right here." Thia thanked her again before slipping through the door.

Thia was about halfway back to the Hospital Wing when the bell chimed from the clock tower, signalling the end of class. She let out a whimper as people flooded the halls, not paying attention to the eight-year-old. Spotting a niche behind a suit of armour, she hid there, knees pulled to her chest and tears forming in her eyes. The noise pressed against her, each echoing step and rustle of paper and shouted word. Closer. Closer.

Then a voice cut through the noise. "Well, what are you doing back there, little one?"

Thia looked up to see a boy grinning at her, not a care in the world that he was blocking the hallway a little. He saw the tears in her eyes and frowned.

"Now, that won't do. You're Madam Pomfrey's tot, aren't you?" Thia nodded, "Well, let's get you back where you belong. Up we go!" He helped her stand, keeping a firm grip on her hand. The two made their way to the Hospital Wing, the boy keeping himself between the crowd and Thia.

"I'm Teddy, by the way," he said, looking down at her, "What's your name?"

"Helianthia Rae Simmons," she said quietly, "Most people call me Thia."

"Well, Thia, it was lovely to meet you. I'm sure you'll see me around." Teddy smiled down at her, "If you ever want to escape the Hospital Wing, just come find me. Or ask Madam Pomfrey. I'll see you later."

"Bye," Thia told him. She slipped through the doors into the Wing, contemplating her new friend.

A/N - Sorry I didn't post this yesterday! Anxiety + Writer's Block = no bueno. 

So, if you don't follow my Insta (He11o_Sunsh1ne) then you don't know that I may be a little behind on updates the next two weeks. I'll be at a musical theatre camp most of the day, and exhausted (emotionally and physically) when I get home. So, sorry again!


SunflowersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora