Don't Play Hero Ever Again.

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(Kevin's POV)

Okay, okay, okay. I know what your thinking. Kevin why do you not want Aubrey back. She is your girlfriend. Well the whole truth is, is that. I have Benn acting this way because I can't let it show to the others how much I care for her. While we are all discussing what to do I get a text from a blocked number.

If you want your little girlfriend back then you will literally have to kill me. She is mine, Kevin. You can't do anything about it. If you want her back I will be at 305 Westman St. Come alone, or she dies. Text this number back with a y if you are coming and understand these rules. Text back an n of you aren't coming.

I text back a y. I am going to get my wonderful girlfriend back. I am so sorry about what I did to her. I regret everything.

(Aubrey's POV)

"Neo, why are you doing this to me?!" I yell at him.

"Because I can!" He says and punches me in the stomach... Again. This time I hear a bone snap. I assume it is another one of my ribs. That makes the 6th if I am counting correctly...

"How is any of this gonna make me love you?" I ask him with my voice now calmed.

"Because if I make you ugly enough. You will only love me because Kevin won't. Oh wait he doesn't. You saw that note he left you. He never loved you." I frown at his comment. Kevin loves me I know it. Even if he never said it

(Kevin's POV)

I have to get her back. I told the police where I had to go and they said that it would be best if they were there. So the police are waiting around back of this abandoned building and I am walking in the front.

As soon as I walk in, I see Aubrey on the ground and Neo standing over her.

"Glad to see you showed up." He immediately draws his gun and points it at me. "But you don't have a choice whether she goes or stays." I immediately respond.

"Neo, I'm gonna hold my hands up and put them on this desk. Set the gun down. I have a proposition." He does as I ask and I set my hands on the table.

"What I propose is, we fight fair and square. No killing. Just near beating to death. Only near. Whoever wins, gets her."  I motion over to Aubrey and she is telling me 'no.'

"Deal, no weapons or dirty tricks. No crotch shots."

"Agreed." I say, stand up, and roll up my sleeves. He does the same but taking off his jacket.

Once we start the fight it is clearly tied as we trade blow for blow. Once my legs get a little tired. I do something he never expects.

"Hang on." I say and reach for my legs. He immediately gets antsy for his gun. "I don't have any weapons on me. I swear." He calms down. I take off my leg and arm weights.

"Seriously?!?" He responds to my weights. "How heavy are those?!?"

"Only like 40 - 50 pounds." He looks unimpressed. "Each." I say and his mouth drops to the ground.

As we continue fighting I immediately take the upper hand and I actually beat him down. But don't kill him.

The cops storm the building and I told the cops to raid the place and act like I was a criminal too. But I would run out with Aubrey and 2 of them would chase me so that Neo didn't get suspicious.

That is exactly what happened. I picked Aubrey up and ran with her out.

I took her to the hospital immediately. He has assorted lacerations, 5 broken ribs, and a slight fracture in her leg.

What did he do to her? I thought to myself.

"Family of Aubrey Maldonado." Yes she took Kirstie's last name. I stood up and went into Aubrey's room. It was silent except for the monitors. Aubrey was just starting to wake up.

"Hey Aub I wanna say that I love you and I am so sorry for everything I did and that it is all my fault that you got caught. If I hadn't kicked you out of my house then you wouldn't have gotten taken by Neo. I am sorry for ev-" I am cut off by Aubrey kissing me like she hasn't seen a soul in a year. I kissed her back. When we broke loose for air she responds to me.

"It is okay babe, I love you too. Just don't ever play the hero again. You scared the living hell out of me." We kiss again. She gets tired and dozes off. I sit there watching my beautiful girlfriend sleep.


Hey my Bass Dragons! Wassup! Okay so, I finally updated! I hope you guys liked it! If ya did, feel free to comment with anything or vote!!!!! Also if you have and questions about your writing or mine, questions about me, or suggestions feel free to PM me on here or you can Kik me. My Kik is xEpik
I would love to hear feedback!!!

Road to Nowhere (Kavi/Scomiche FanFic) Book 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum