chapter eight

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The cafeteria was buzzing. Shin pushed through the crowd with his tray trying to find an empty place to sit.

"Shin, here, here," a skinny hand waved at him invitingly. Takahashi Sora greeted him with a wide smile. Shin returned the smile, noticing how Sora's glasses slid down his nose and the young man rushed to push them up. Sora was his course mate, and they were often paired for their laboratory work. Like Shin, Sora also came from a small town to study. From the first day of the study Shin and Sora clicked instantly. They worked well together, and their friendship bloomed. Shin sat down.

"Thank you. For a moment there I thought I'd have to eat on the floor." Shin smiled.

Sora laughed lightly, looking at Shin with his large honey coloured eyes. Because of his eyes the people on their course started calling him Bambi.

"It's busier today than usual. Probably because they are serving strawberry cake and chocolate pudding." Sora shrugged.

They ate in silence until Sora finally broke it.

"If you don't have any plans on Friday evening, would you like to go to bar?"

Shin blinked and then smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, I have plans with Takashi-san."

Sora's shoulders dropped, but Shin did not notice. Sora managed a smile. "Things are getting pretty serious between you two?"

Shin's cheeks flushed a little. "It would seem so."

Sora eyed him carefully. "What's wrong?" he questioned digging into his chocolate pudding.

Shin sighed. "I'm not sure." Shin responded. "Takashi-san has been a little distant during the past two weeks, but when I ask him about it, he always says that he is just tired."

"Well...maybe he is?" Sora shrugged.

Shin smiled. "Yes, indeed. Maybe he is."

They continued with their food, both deciding that returning to the same conversation was a bad idea.


The working hours were finally over. Takashi loosened his tie and rubbed his temples. The day was hectic, but it was finally over. There was still one more thing that he had to do. Takashi picked up his bag and made his way to Hideaki's secretary. Takashi smiled charmingly at her.

"Saikawa-kun," Mei smiled back. "Busy day today,"

"Yeah, one of the busiest we've had."

"Can I help you with something?" she got straight to business. Everybody knew that while Hideaki was away Mei finished work one hour later than the rest and all questions had to be addressed to her.

"Just wanted to give you this," he handed her a white envelope with no indications on it.

She accepted but looked at him questionably.

"My resignation letter," he explained.

Mei gasped. Takashi has been with the company for four years and knew the business inside out. Naturally, she always thought that he would always he there. Mei stood up from her seat.

"Why so suddenly Takashi-kun?" she questioned.

Takashi shrugged. "I've recently received an irresistible offer from *** Company." He smiled apologetically, but in reality, Takashi was not sorry.

"That's a shame. I am sure that Gojo-san will be devastated about this." She said, nevertheless she put his resignation letter into the pile of documents for Hideaki's approval.

Takashi tensed. "He will understand." He responded. "Have a great weekend." Takashi could tell that Mei wanted to say something else, but she changed her mind. That is why everyone in the company liked her. She knew when to draw the line and when to stop.

"You too," Mei smiled and returned to her work.


When he rang the doorbell, Shin answered it almost immediately. As soon as the door closed Takashi wrapped his arms around the young man in front of him. Shin's hands snaked around his lover's waist. Their lips met and both felt a familiar tingling sensation in their pants. Takashi squeezed Shin's manhood over the material of his sweatpants, earning a loud moan. "Takashi-san," Shin's hand found itself in Takashi's underwear, quickly approaching the desired entrance. "The food..." Shin mouthed into Takashi's lips. Takashi nibbled on his lower lip before outlining it with his tongue. Shin's finger slipped into his opening. He moaned loudly and spread his legs. "Right now, I want to eat you." He replied as he demandingly pushed himself on Shin's fingers.


That night Takashi could not sleep. He kept looking at the sealing with one hand behind his head and the other holding a lit cigarette. He brought the cigarette to his lips and inhaled tastefully. Beside him laid Shin. Young man was fast asleep and sleeping like a log. Takashi closed his eyes recalling their love session. It was good. Not great. Just good. But beggars cannot be choosers. And Takashi felt like a beggar. Since the time he had sex with a stranger in a hotel, he could not find anything who would be able to satisfy him. He hooked up a few more times, but every time he could not seem to proceed with the process. That left him only Shin.

Takashi liked Shin. Shin was a good a guy and Takashi knew it. He never said no and always did what Takashi wanted. And although it was pleasing, sometimes it irritated Takashi. He put out the cigarette and rolled to a side. He traced his fingertips over Takashi's strong back. Young man shuddered but did not wake up. Takashi snickered. His hand snaked to Shin's manhood, stroking it gently but with a certain intention. Shin sleepily rubbed himself against his lover's hand.

Takashi leaned in and outlined Shin's ear with his tongue. "Shin," he whispered seductively.

"Takashi-san?" Shin mumbled. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Did something happen?" he questioned.

Takashi wrapped his arms around Shin's neck. "Yeah," he whispered into his lips. "Something happened..."


Hideaki's phone buzzed.

He put aside the documents he was studying and looked at the name that flashed on the screen. Mei forward his schedule for the next day for confirmation. Hideaki opened the attachment when the phone buzzed again with Mei's name. He quickly closed the schedule and opened the next message. It was once again an attachment. Hideaki clicked open and started reading. The first sentence made his blood run cold. "Resignation Letter," Hideaki said out loud. "Dear Mr. Gojo, I am writing to notify you that I am resigning from my position as Purchasing Manager with *** Company, with a 30-day notice period..."

Hideaki clenched the phone in his hand. His grip was hard enough for his fingers to turn white. The signature at the bottom of the resignation letter stated "Saikawa Takashi".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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