"Sir, yes, sir!" Thomas stomped his feet on the floor in response, earning a giggle from Taylor. Tatiana and I shared eye contact. I arched an eyebrow as if to ask were they always like that? And she responded with a chuckle, nodding.

"I'll book the tables under Miss Elizabeth Evans and Gregory Butcher. Play along with everything else, is that clear?"

No, but sure. "Yes, Mr. Martin."

"Call me Mart, Martin, or as the famous alcoholic drink, Martini. Mr. Martin is way too formal for my liking. In all my years I've head thousands of people call me that and I've grown irritated to it."

"Sorry, Martin," I corrected, giving him a dazzling smile. "We understand."

"You understand, because I didn't hear shit he said." Thomas whispered in my ear, making me groan internally. And here I was, depending on him to have understood.

"Good." Martin said, smiling to himself.

Just to be safe, Taylor made Martin go over the plan again, because she certainly didn't understand what he said too. Once we'd gotten everything, we all made our way out of Martin's room.

Martin went straight to Marcus, I assumed he was going to tell him about our plan. Taylor and Tatiana went ahead with their plan, even though I had my doubts as to how they would get it. They simply said that all they have to do is throw your hips, flash the guys a wink, give him a fake number and disappear.

Their words, not mine.

Thomas and I waited a little bit. We engaged ourselves in a small conversation, having to do with is pouring the cereal or milk first is normal, he said milk, I said cereal.

Who didn't put the cereal in before the milk?

Because I didn't want to take our bickering to the next level, I suggested we went to go see Marcus. He was on board with that, but mostly because he admitted he didn't want to lose the arguement to me. He said I had very good arguing skills and should consider becoming a lawyer.

When we got to Marcus's room, Martin was just coming out. He gave us a nod telling us it was all good. I sighed in relief at the news, at least that was one thing lifted off my back.

Before I could knock, the door to Marcus's suite swung open. He gave us a friendly smile and ushered us inside without a word.

The first thing I spotted once I stepped foot inside was the bright red lady underwear that stood out. It was hanging right off the edge of the couch. Not to mention there was a girl sleeping peacefully at that couch, a blanket draped over her body.

Okay. . .

So Marcus was that kind of guy. Who would've guessed?

"Someone's been getting some action," Tom commented, silently.

Marcus' eyes zeroed in on Tom just at the moment he tore his gaze away from the woman. "Shut up and don't stare at her."

"I wasn't, but okay. It's okay to hide your jealousy, I've been there before." Thomas grinned from ear to ear. He was obviously enjoying this.

With all he was doing for me, I needed to pay him back in some way. I had no idea who this girl was, and I seriously needed to ask Taylor to give me details on how to help with this.

Marcus scoffed. "You've been there? I doubt it."

"Are we here to talk about relationships or discuss more important things?" Tom asked, wearing a very tight smile. Marcus must've hit a nerve, and he sensed it too.

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