New Friends and Soapy Suds

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Lily rocked back and forth on her feet outside of Professor Slughorn’s office. Oh no, oh no, oh no. She’d never had a detention before. What was it going to be like?

                She jumped as someone laid an arm across her shoulder.

                “It’s just me!” James laughed.

                She blushed a little, tucking her head briefly into James’ shoulder. “What time is it?” she asked, changing the subject.

                “Around half six, I believe,”

                “Isn’t that when we’re supposed to start? Professor Slughorn and Sirius aren’t here yet,”

                “A thing that you should know about Professor Slughorn and detentions is that he’s always late. And as for Sirius, did you really expect him to be on time?”

                Lily shrugged. “I guess not,”

                “Well, aren’t you two cute?”

                Lily whirled around on the stone floor to see the smirking face of Sirius Black. She opened her mouth to speak, but what could she actually say?

                James grinned. “Cuter than you, I think,”

                Sirius stuck his tongue out. “No one’s cuter than me,”

                “Sure, sure,” James rolled his eyes.

                “Is Sluggy here yet?” Sirius looked around.

                “No,” Lily spoke up.

                Sirius fixed his grey eyes on her and didn’t speak. She fidgeted uncomfortably under his gaze; it was if he could see through her to everything she had never wanted anyone to witness.

                “Oi, Padfoot!” James waved his hand in front of Sirius’ face. “You awake there, mate?”

                Sirius grinned lazily. “Sorry, Jamesie, just sort of spaced out.”

                “Mhm,” James frowned slightly.

                The three seventh years fell silent for the next few minutes, having somehow exhausted their patience for conversation in under ten minutes.

                “Oh, so sorry!” Professor Slughorn chortled when he finally arrived (15 minutes late). “I was just giving Pomona some advice about her mandrakes. Shameful conditions for those poor plants!” He shook his head as he unlocked the classroom door.

                Lily followed him in first.

                “So, Lily,” Slughorn rubbed his hands together for a moment, looking around the room. “I’ll have you and Mr. Black in here, cleaning the floor, and I believe I will take Mr. Potter down to Professor McGonagall and see if she has anything for him to do over there,” he stopped rubbing his hands. “Where are Mr. Potter and Mr. Black?”

                Lily looked behind her and didn’t see any sign of the boys. They must have stayed outside. She peeked her head out of the door and was greeted with the sight of James, with his arms crossed and Sirius in the middle of an eye roll.

                “Um,” she interrupted. “Professor Slughorn is looking for you guys,” She leaned back into the classroom. “They’re just right outside,” she smiled, slightly unsure, at Slughorn. The boys had looked like they were fighting. What could they have been fighting about?

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