Mean Mornings

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The next morning at about 9:30 am, James was in his old dorm in Gryffindor Tower. It was a Saturday, and he was hanging out with Sirius and Remus. Peter was still sleeping, and the other boy in the dorm, Frank Longbottom, had left as soon as he learned that James was coming. He said he didn’t know if he could handle all the Marauders in one place this early in the morning. He had probably fallen asleep on the couch right before he left. Frank liked to sleep in.

                “But can you believe Snivellous yesterday, mate?” Sirius guffawed. “He was crazy!”

                “Yeah,” James agreed. “Lily was really torn up about it,”

                “Speaking of which,” Sirius wiggled his eyebrows. “How are you getting along with her?”

                “Pretty good,” said James truthfully. “We’re friends,”

                Sirius smirked, and Moony laughed.

                “We should go wake her up,” Sirius suggested.

                Remus raised his eyebrows. “She’d pulverize you,”

                James snickered. “He’s right, you know. You’d be dead on the floor before she even realized who it was,”

                Sirius groaned, but James knew that Sirius knew they were right.

                “We could go wake up Marlene,” James said. He really liked hanging out with Marlene. She was like a sister to him, and he was comfortable with her.

                Sirius made an indistinct sound.

                “I don’t care if you don’t like her, Padfoot, honestly. I’m gonna wake her up, and I’m forcing you and Moony to come with me,”

                “Should we wake Peter?” asked Remus, appraising the boy that was snoring under his red covers.

                Sirius looked at him. “Nah. He needs his beauty sleep,”

                They crept out of their dorm, and padded as quietly as they could down the boys’ staircase. Sirius “accidently” stepped on James’ foot, and caused him to tumble down the stairs. James swore profusely, and a few first year girls in the common room gave him some curious looks.

                “That was so not funny,” James muttered, punching Sirius in the shoulder.

                “Keep telling yourself that, Jamesie,”

                “How are we going to get up there today?” Remus wondered, looking at the staircase.

                Neither boy paid attention to him. They were too busy play fighting, so Moony kicked them both.

                “Sirius can change, and when he gets up there he can summon the two of us,” James whispered, checking quickly with Remus while rubbing his shin. The other boy nodded, so Sirius discreetly became a scruffy, black dog.

                When he reached the top, he turned back into Sirius the human. “Accio James and Remus,”

                They flew up the staircase, and their feet barely brushed the steps. Sirius moved away from them as they came closer, and they both hit the wall. James’ knees hit first, and then his forehead banged up against it and he collapsed on the floor. Moony pulled him up, rubbing his nose.

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