I'm So Sorry, Darling

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The difference, dear reader, between our two lovebirds is that one of them is hopelessly in love, and the other is hopelessly convinced that they are not in love.

                The weekend went on, with much of the same. The students were settling in fairly well, and everyone was happy to be back at Hogwarts. On Sunday night, Remus and Lily were sitting on the couch together, reading. Remus was sitting up on one end of the couch, but Lily had laid down, with her feet on his lap, and her back against some pillows on the armrest. She was still reading To Kill a Mockingbird.

                Lily peeked up over the top of her book to look at Remus. He was reading Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. She giggled a little. That was just so him, to be reading a textbook. She lifted her leg up, and bumped the bottom of his book with her toe. “Hey you,”

                He rolled his eyes at her. “What?”

                “Have you seen Marlene?”

                “No,” he looked at her, confused. “Why would I have seen Marlene?”

                She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe she’s plotting something with Potter and Black,”

                He thought for a moment, and then shook his head. “Probably not. We would have heard a lot more commotion, don’t you think?”

                “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” they both went back to reading their books.

                The common room was warm that night, and the fire had cast a hazy orange glow over the couches and armchairs, and it was making Lily tired. She decided that she would rest her eyes for a moment, and Remus could wake her up or something when it got really late.  She trusted him enough to count on him for that. She laid her book down on her stomach, the pages splayed outward so she wouldn’t lose her spot. Then, she closed her eyes, and no sooner did she do that, she felt someone jump on her.

                “DON’T SLEEP NOW!” Marlene cried.

                “Maaaaaaaaaaarrleeeeeeeene,” Lily groaned, her eyes still closed. “Please, not right now,”

                “Too late,” Marlene sang.

                “Remus, please help me,” Lily moaned.

                Upon hearing no response, she cracked her eyelids, and discovered that Remus had been replaced by Sirius.

                “Oh, that’s just great,” Lily muttered.  “I’m going to bed,” she announced.

                “You do that,” Sirius chortled.

                Marlene was still sitting on Lily’s stomach, so Lily pushed her onto the floor, and started walking to the portrait hole, book in hand. She was trying to be extra careful, because Black had been part of the plan, and Marlene couldn’t stand him, so James must have been involved. It was after curfew when she left Gryffindor Tower, so she had to keep a watchful eye out for Mrs. Norris, even though she had every right to be in the corridors, as she was Head Girl.

                She heard a cracking noise from behind her, and she whirled around. “Lumos,” she murmured. The illuminated tip of her wand didn’t add much help for looking across dark hallways, but she could see about three feet in front of her. Great.

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