Cats and not Dogs

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James trudged back down the steps to the dungeon in silence. This had not been a fun detention. He spent the entire time thinking about Lily and Sirius getting to hang out and he was so distracted that McGonagall made him clean her entire office multiple times because he kept missing spots.

                He opened the door to the classroom quietly and nearly jumped from surprise when he saw that Lily was still there without Sirius. She was also completely soaked.

                “Oh, hi,” he said. Genius, James.

                “Hey,” she laughed. “I thought that I would wait for you to come back so we could walk up together.”

                James smiled at her. “Thanks,”

                “Yeah, no problem,” she nudged him gently with her shoulder.

                “Wait, I have a question,” He started as they walked out of the door. “Why are your clothes wet?”

                Lily looked down, as if she had forgotten. “Oh! Sirius and I accidentally ended up having a water fight. I may have thrown a sponge at him and he may have thrown one back at me and it may have sort of escalated from there,”

                James laughed, even though he felt a little hurt inside that he had been left out of this. It also seemed that Sirius had become better friends with Lily in an hour and a half than James had become with Lily in nearly two weeks. “And you still got the floor clean?”

                “We may have also used magic for that,” Lily blushed a little.

                James smiled a little bit. “So what do you want to do now?”

                “Sleep,” Lily yawned. “I am very tired.”

                “It’s only eight!”

                “Who cares? I’m exhausted!” she rolled her eyes at him and continued walking.

                The castle was quiet tonight, even though it wasn’t quite curfew yet.

                Lily and James walked lightly down the hall as quietly as possible, even though there was no one around.

                James yawned.

                “See, you’re tired too!” Lily grinned devilishly.

                “”What?” James smirked. “Of course not! James Potter doesn’t get tired!”

                “Yeah, yeah, “Lily shook her head, laughing. “Of course he doesn’t,”

                “Honestly,” James said. “Sleep is for the weak,”

                “Sleep is what you need in order to not be weak, you nub,” Lily laughed exasperatedly.

                James thought for a moment. “You may be right,” he looked at Lily. “Possibly,” he winked.

                She blushed. “Of course I’m right!”

                Sirius Black sprinted most of the way back to the common room. He didn’t have a particular reason why, really, but he felt that it fit. Whatever that means.

                His clothes were still soaking wet, and he was dripping everywhere. Honestly.

                Stopping right outside the Gryffindor common room, he shook his entire body to try and get rid of some of the water.

                “What are you doing?” Marlene McKinnon laughed from the doorway.


                “You know you’re not a dog, right?”

                Sirius nodded, while smiling cockily. “Of course I do. I am obviously a cat. Cats are regal creatures that never die,”

                “Mhm,” Marlene rolled her eyes. “But seriously though, why are you wet?”

                “I got in a fight,”

                “That doesn’t answer my question,”

                “I got into a fight with Lily Evans?”

                “That makes me even more confused, you idiot!”

                “Oh, wait, I got it now: I got in a water fight with Lily Evans,”

                “Do I even want to know how this happened?”

                Sirius shrugged.

                She rolled her eyes again. “Just come in,” she moved out of the way for him to enter the room.

                “Where is everyone?” He asked. The entire common room was devoid of any sort of person.

                “I’ve been wondering that myself, actually,” Marlene looked around the room. “It doesn’t really matter, though. There’s a million possible reasons that no one’s here,”

                “Yeah, I guess,” Sirius looked down at Marlene, who only came up to his mid-chest. It was funny for some reason, to be able to see the top of her head. He didn’t know why. It was rather stupid, actually. He snickered a little.

                “What’s so funny, Black?”

                “You’re short,” he poked her cheek. “Little itty bitty McKinnon,”

                She punched his shoulder. “I’m 5’4, you idiot!”

                “Yeah, but I’m 6’1,” He smirked.

                “Whatever,” she mumbled, starting to walk up the stairs to the girls’ dorm. She paused at the top of the staircase. “Night, Black,”

                “Night, McKinnon,” he grinned at her and winked.

                She smiled a small smile and closed the door behind her.

                Which left Sirius to ponder again.

                Why had he been running?

A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is up a little earlier than I thought it would be up, so I'm very happy about that, but it is a little short and I apologize:( It's sort of a filler, but at least it's got a little cuteness in it, right? Hopefully the next chapter will be extra long to make up for it. I hope you liked it! Until next time:)

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