Part 7

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  "Wake up love birds!”  Cried Pony’s voice the next morning.

  Johnny and I were surprised to see that all of our friends were sitting in the living room grinning at us. 

  Honestly, why was I even surprised in the first place.  Poor Johnny was a little embarrassed by all of them there.  

  “Seriously guys?”  Johnny squeaked bashfully.

  He hid his face under the sheets.

  “Steve owes me five dollars!”  Two-Bit cheered.

  “I would’ve bet too but I already knew everything so it wouldn’t have been fair.”  Pony affirmed.

  “Aww, you two are so cute together!  Y'all are the cutest couple I’ve ever seen!”  Soda gushed.

  “I didn’t know any of this but you two are cute.”  Darry added.

  “Dang it, I can’t believe I lost another bet to Two-Bit!  Also Dally, when’s the wedding?”  Steve joined in.

  I responded by playfully throwing a pillow at Steve that hit him in the face.

  “You guys are the worst but I still love you all!”  Johnny laughed.  

  Glad to know that he wasn’t all that embarrassed about the gang finding out about us.  It was great to have such supporting friends.  

  Johnny and I’s relationship grew more over time.  We were around each other all the time.  We went on dates and did other things that young couples did.  We were happy together. 

  For a person who has never been in a relationship before (I’m talking about me but I’m pretty sure Johnny was never in one either), things were going great.  I never thought I would love somebody the way I loved Johnny. 

   This whole time I thought that nobody wanted me.  I was wrong.  Turned out love wasn’t all that bad after all.  I guess everybody deserves somebody to love after all.  I didn’t believe it at first but that all changed. 

  Man, being in a relationship also made me sound so cheesy! Talking about all these love things and all.  I just couldn’t help it though.  I loved Johnny and nothing was going to change that. 

  I didn’t really tell him that I loved him until a certain night.

  One night, Johnny and I went to the drive-in for a date.  One of our favorite places to go as well.  I want to say that it was about a month or so since we started dating.  Maybe a month and a couple weeks.  I wasn’t really sure. 

   I remember every moment Johnny and I had together, that I never said the L-word to him.  I didn’t tell him that I loved him.  I felt like a jerk for not telling him.  But I was new to the whole relationship thing so I wasn’t sure when the right time was. 

   Love was a strong word.  Couples usually wait for a while to say I love you.  Even though I loved Johnny from the start.  Way before we even began dating.  So what was I waiting for anyway? 

  That night, I decided to just go right out and say it.  Perfect moment or not, I was tired of keeping it inside.

  We were both sitting in a car watching the movie that was playing.  Johnny’s head rested on my shoulder as I had my arm around him.  We were kind of silent the entire time.  That was until I decided to break the silence to tell him that important thing I should’ve said a long time ago.

  “Hey Johnny, I’m sorry that I didn’t say this before because I just wasn’t sure when I should say it because I’m still new to this whole relationship thing.”  I began.

  “Dally, what is it?”  Johnny replied.

  “I love you Johnny.”  

  “Dally, I love you too!  I knew you loved me even if you didn’t say it.  Actions speak louder than words you know.  But it was really sweet of you to tell me!”  

  Johnny was right, actions did speak louder than words.  Sure I never told him that I loved him but the things I did said it.  I was still happy that I told him because he needed to know.  And I knew that he loved me too. 

  After sharing a quick but passionate kiss, I almost forgot that I had something else.  Not anything I had to say, it was more like a gift for him.  I may have to explain it though. 

   I stuck my hand in my jacket pocket until I pulled out a silver ring.  Relax, I wasn’t going to ask Johnny to marry me.  I mean, I would marry him for sure.  But not yet.  We were young but weren’t stupid. 

   Plus, I don’t really think I was legally allowed to get married to Johnny.  Not just because of our ages but also because of the fact we were both the same sex.  Illegal or not though, I was going to marry him one day no matter what the law says.  I’m just going to wait for a few years maybe. 

   But the ring I was going to give Johnny was a different type of ring.  It was a promise ring.  A ring that symbolized taking a relationship seriously.  It also gave us hope for our relationship in the future.  It wasn’t an engagement ring.  It was a promise ring and I was going to give it to Johnny.  

  “Hey, I have something to give to you.”  I spoke.

  I held out the ring to him and Johnny gasped.

  “Dally, it’s beautiful!”  He exclaimed.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to marry me.  It’s a promise ring.”  I informed him.

  “I know it’s a promise ring.  I’d be honored to have it.”  

  “May I do the honors?”  

  “Go ahead.”  

  I slipped it on his ring finger on his right hand.  It was a perfect fit.  Johnny smiled while he admired it.  Then he rested his head back on my shoulder.  

  “I love you so much Dally.  I want us to stay this way forever.”  He whispered to me.

  “Of course we’ll always stay this way.  I’m never going to stop loving you.  You mean everything to me Johnny.”  I proclaimed.

  I kissed him on his lips once again knowing that we were going to stay together no matter what.  That was one of the best days of my life. 

   I loved Johnny and I meant it when I said that was never going to change.  Nothing was ever going to tear us apart.

A/N:  Aren't they the cutest?  I also love writing scenes when the friends find out about a relationship.  It's always a lot of fun hee hee.  Anyway, hope you enjoyed this kind of longer chapter.

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