Chapter 3

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Once they arrived in Itaewon, Yunho quickly let go of Mingi while blushing furiously but before he could thank the goblin, they heard various shouts and turned around. Yunho huffed when he saw the scenes in front of him and stomped his feet on the ground while Mingi watched him with amusement though he tried not to laugh. "Why do I always end up with a troublesome one?? It's not even 1 right now!" Yunho pouted while counting the dead with his forefinger.

"5..6.. huh? There should be 7. Where is the last one..?" Yunho mumbled as he looked around, ignoring the havoc scene in front of him as he tried to find the last dead man. He found out the last one in the middle of the other 6 and frowned, making sure that his Fedora Hat was on his head, he went to the crowd and watched them, quietly for now.

"Why didn't you stop?? You just ran through us!! I'm so going to sue you!"

"I'm going to beat you up, I don't care! You made me late for my job interview!!"

Yunho went to them before the man could beat the other man, though it is futile as they're dead but he doesn't want any more chaos so he stepped in right before the man tried to punch the other man. "Please remain calm, all of you. It's not the driver's fault anyway." Yunho started as the other frowned and looked at him. Mingi watched everything silently a little bit further away from them.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Who the fuck are you?! Stay away if you don't know what happened!"

Yunho huffed, he's already feeling exhausted as he doesn't even get to eat yet since morning and he could feel a headache coming. Why must we Grim Reapers still have to do all human's necessities?? We're dead for fuck sake! Yunho thought before answering their questions calmly.

"The driver is not at fault because it was the brake that was faulty. I'm sorry to say this but all of you are dead." Yunho told them and waited for them to scream at him because he already knew that they would do so. True enough, they started screaming at his face, making Yunho close his eyes tiredly.

"What do you mean we're dead? I refused to believe you!"

Yunho sighed and pointed towards where the accident had occurred, a few feet away from them and they all widened their eyes as they saw their bodies sprawled all over on the ground. Yunho of course already expected this as some of the dead won't realize that they were dead. "Now please remain calm as I help you with your next journey to the afterlife." Yunho announced. "Why should we listen to you anyway??" One of the dead hissed at Yunho but the grim reaper only looked at him with a bored expression. "Because I'm the grim reaper that is assigned to help you. Do you want to roam this earth forever or do you want to have a chance to be reborn again?" Yunho retorted, making the others speechless.

"I have more work to do so we will do this quickly, let's go." Yunho said and snapped his fingers, making all of them appear in the tea room, the table had changed to be a bit bigger so it could fit 7 people as well as 7 seats. Yunho was about to go make some tea for 5 of them as 2 people out of 7 won't be reborn, they would have to go to hell instead because of their wrongdoings when they were alive, when he saw someone standing nonchalantly at the end of the room.

"Huh?! Why are you here too?? And how did you get in??" Yunho gaped at the goblin who only shrugged and smirked at the grim reaper. "I can go anywhere and I just want to see how you do your job, that's all. Don't mind me. Go do your job." Mingi ushered him with a wave, making Yunho want to retort but he has to be professional so he cleared his throat and ignored the goblin as he made the tea.

He put the 5 teas on the table, in front of those who will have a chance to be reborn again. The other 2 that didn't have the tea in front of them frowned before looking up at Yunho. "Why didn't we get the tea too? What is it for?" Yunho sighed and hoped that when he explained it to the 2 of them, they wouldn't try to retaliate or something. He just wants this to be over with so he could go eat something before going to another task.

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