"Really why you say that?"
"You the only girl he ever talk alot  about and the only girl he brought home to me."

"Really..." I said as a smile creep up on my face.

I never expect that because I know alot of girls through their self at Nick.


I walk down the stairs hearing my mom and Kaylin laughing

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I walk down the stairs hearing my mom and Kaylin laughing. "What are you two laughing about." I said causing them to turn around.....

"Mind you business boy." My momma said.

I look at the book in Kaylin's lap. Seeing its my mom's album. She had pictures of me at every stage in my life.

"I should mind my business huh?" I said laughing.

"Boyy Bye."

"Nichalos let me talk to you for a minute." My mom said walking in the kitchen. I walk behind her and stop at the counter.

"You really love that girl huh."She asked. "I Really Do.."

"Don't bring that girl in the messed up thing you got going on in the streets." She said. She always been telling me to leave the streets. But the streets been paying my bills and hers. The streets let me get her this nice house she in. I Can't Just leave it like that and be ungrateful to the streets.

"Heard you momma."

"You better hear me. That's a good girl over there. Don't Fuck her life up."

"Gotcha mom."

We walk back To where Kaylin is still looking through the album. I went and sit beside her."Who's this?" She asked pointing at a picture with me and my cousin.

"Where is he?" She Asked. "He died 2 years ago."

"I'm sorry." She said looking in my eyes.

"It's Okay ma."

We spend the rest of the day at my mom's. Kaylin and my mom got to know each other. They talked and laugh together. I'm glad they getting along with each other.

It's Now time for us to go back to the hotel. "Mom it's getting late. We have to go back to the hotel." "Okay Baby. It's nice to meet you Kaylin."

"Same here Melissa." Kay said as we made our way through the door. "Good Night mom. Lock your doors. Love you"

"Love you too Nichalos." My mom said closing her door.

We walked to the car and I opened Kaylin door for her once she got in I closed the door and went around the drivers side.

I started the car and drive off to the hotel.

The drive back was quiet. I knew she was still upset about earlier. "You okay ma?" I Asked. "I'm good."

" You sure boo?", "Yes I'm sure... I just wanna Sleep." "Okay ma."

We now reach at the hotel and went up to our room. Kaylin Changed into her sleepwear and went up in the bed.

I Took my pants and shirt Off and went to Lay beside her. We laid in a spooning position. "Babe...."
"What Nick?" She said with an attitude. "I'm sorry about what happen today with that girl. I never expect she'd pull Something Like That." I said rubbing her booty. "You Hear Me.? "I heard you Nick. Now let me sleep." She said.

I never want little things like these ruin our relationship.
I closed my eyes attempting to fall asleep.

The sound of phone of ringing phone woke me up from my sleep. I looked over on the little bedside table that was beside the bed seeing it was my phone ringing. I took up the phone to see who was calling but the bright light on the phone cause me to look away.... The call ended so I adjust my eyes with the light seeing it was Aaron calling.

I called him back, he picked up on the first wrong. "Yo Nick." He said into the phone. "What Nigga? It better be damn important for you to be calling me so early in the damn morning. "
"Fuck outta hear man. You remember the Nigga I told you them youngins work for?"

I look at kaylin who was sleeping and got up from the bed and went in the bathroom. "Yea wassup."
"I Find out where that Nigga rest his head at. And you won't believe who is Bitch is."
"Marissa" I said.

"Marissa? nahh Nigga. His Bitch is Keisha."
"Keisha?" "Yea Mann."

I wipe down my face and start rubbing my chin. Not believing what I just heard. I never felt away about it but I just couldn't believe. "Word.... I got you mann. I'll be there in 2 days. Keep on eye on em.

"Aii Bro." Aaron said before ending the call.

I walk back in the room seeing Kaylin still sleeping. I rest the phone back on the table and went back to sleep.


What you think the relationship between Kaylin and Melissa would be like?




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