Chapter 6

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As I let my self in and close the door, as I made my way to the steps to go up my room

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As I let my self in and close the door, as I made my way to the steps to go up my room. I see Delroy standing at the stair case.

"Where are you coming from?" He asked

"Uhmm" I said without making any eye contact.


"I-i was out with a friend." I said with fear in my voice.

He bobbed his head slowly

As i made one step to go upstairs

I feel him pulling me by my hair

Then grabbed me by my throat.

"You lying to me again? you don't learn your lesson from the last time?" He said looking into my eyes.

He pushed me on the couch. Then pulling down his pants.

Before he could even Finish I kicked him causeing him to back back a little. I tried running threw the front door. But he caught me by my shirt before I could turn the knob.

"Please!", I beg crying."

" You wanna be disrespectful " he said punching me and throughing me on the floor kicking me up all over.

I laid same place on the floor watching him as he walk through the front door.

I was in so much pain so and my body felt weak from my body being beating.

I stretch to reach my bag with my phone so I could make a call.

I click on a contact didn't know who I click, I heard the ringing tone

"Hello, Kaylin? Hello, kaylin"

The person said into the phone then I blocked out.


"Hello, Kaylin? Kaylin?" I said into the phone while receiving head from a lil shawty name Keisha

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"Hello, Kaylin? Kaylin?" I said into the phone while receiving head from a lil shawty name Keisha

What me and her had was nothing serious, just sex.
I never even kissed her before. That just ain't how a nigga be , going around kissing hoes, nahh. These hoes be nasty as fuck.

I pulled keisha's head away, " Yo i gotta go,". I said to her

" but I ain't done yet zaddy," She said fake pouting

" I know, I'll be back later, " I said to her.

"I'm going out later Nichalos," She Said

"Word, enjoy you self," I said to her.

"Nichalos, when are we gonna start something real?"

"You know ain't with that shit Keisha,"  I said pulling up my underwear and my jeans.

I let her know I wasn't with that from jump, so I don't know why she coming with that bs.

I walked out her door and walk over to my car as I open the door with the Button on my key. I look over at her seeing her standing at the door rolling her eyes.

I shake my head and got in my car.

I drove my way over Kaylin, as many thoughts ran through my mind.

I had just drop Kaylin home. why would she call and not talk in the phone. She couldn't be that childish.

I had a bad feeling in my gut that something bad happened

Within 15 Minutes I reach Her house. Knocking and calling but heard no one. I tried pulling the door but it was lock. So I kicked the door open, I walked in seeing that the place was quiet. I called out Kaylin as I pulled my gun from my waist.

As I attempt to walk to where the step is, I stop in my track when I  see Kayling lying on the  floor as if she was  dead...

"Kaylin, Kaylin, come on Ma," I called out shaking her.

I picked up her phone and her bag  then picked her up bridal style with her head hanging over my hands . As I was ready to walk out a man  came walking in.

"What you doing in here, what are you doing with her?" He ask nodding at Kaylin in my arms.

"She called me and I came seeing her like this bro, you what to her?" I Asked

" Mann, I'm her uncle and she good, so just put her down."

I looked at her and at him

"She look good to you bro?" I Asked

I got no other response.

I shove pass him and made my way to my car thinking this nigga got som' to do with her  being like this.

I got to my car and put Kaylin in the back seat. Then I head to the drivers seat.

I rushed with her to the hospital because I didn't know what's wrong with her.

When I reach the hospital. I carry Kaylin in the hospital

"Can somebody help me please." I said looking at Kaylin with worry in my voice and my eyes.

Her face look busted as if someone was beating on her.

"What's wrong with her?" a nurse came asking.

" Mann i don't know u find her like this."

I watch as they rush Kaylin in a room.






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