Noya x Asahi

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Noya's POV: 

I was at practice in the Karasuno gym with my team. Being a Libero, I practice on my receives with Daichi. Sometimes I would practice my jumping sets with Asahi and Tanaka. 

I was in a bad mood that day. My father had scolded me before I left for school. Usually, his words didn't get to me. But this time was different. 

His words rang in my ears, drowning out everyone else who was trying to talk to me. Tanaka nudged me. "Bro, you look like you want to kill someone." 

"I do, I really do." I admitted. 

"Who?" He asked. 

I sighed. "I don't want to talk about it." He nodded, understanding. 

Daichi called for a meeting. He clapped his hands. "Good job today guys. Kageyama, Suga, and Noya, nice job on the sets. Tanaka, Asahi, and Hinata, good work in those spikes. Cleaning the gym tonight is Kageyama and Hinata." He paused. Satisfied, he let everyone leave. 

I changed and grabbed my stuff. I met up with Tanaka and Asashi outside of the gym. We started to walk home. Tanaka broke off first since his house was that way. Me and Asahi were left, however, my mind was still angry at my father. I started walking really fast, I could feel my eyes shifting into their darker form. My iris turned blood red and the sclera turned black. 

"Wait, Noya!" Asahi called. Not paying attention I already ended up at my house which was still 2 miles from where we were. 

"Crap." I went back to him. In a flash, I was next to Asahi. He stood there confused. "Sorry, Asahi." 

"I- N-Noya?" He stuttered. "Yo-your ey-eyes..?" 

"Yeah? Asahi-san?" He stared at me and tears started to form in my eyes. "Father was right." I sighed.

He collected himself. "Your father? What just happened? How did you disappear and what's wrong with your eyes?" He had so many questions. 

"I didn't disappear, technically. I just.. ya know... super speedied away." I paused. "And for my eyes, well... that's a lot harder to explain." 

He didn't say anything at first. "What are you?" He asked. I didn't look at him and kept my head down. He stuttered. again, "I-I didn't mean to r-rude, but..?" 

"I know, Asahi. You're never rude, you're the sweetest person that I know and I love you." I started to cry. "But I can't stay now." I took off running and went inside. My father was sitting on the couch, watching the TV. 

"I told you it was dangerous to go out, Noya." He stood up and walked over to me. I looked down at his feet. "Look at me, boy." I lifted my head to look at my father. His eyes shifted to red iris' and a black sclera. "How could you let a human boy find out about your true identity?!" He was furious. He scoffed. "You don't deserve to be my son, let alone be apart of this race." 

He slapped me. He slapped me HARD. I cried. "Stop crying."

I tried to stop. "Y-yes father." 

"Go to your room. We leave tomorrow." He dismissed. 

"Y-yes father." I bound up the stairs to my room and flopped on my bed, crying. 

About half an hour later I heard quiet little tinks on my window. I looked out and Asahi was standing there. I opened my window. "Asahi, you should leave." 

"No." He called back. "Come down." 

I obliged and leaped out of my window, landing on my feet. I walked over to Asahi. He wrapped me in a hug. "Asa-Asahi, what're you doing?" 

"Hugging my boyfriend, what else?" He stated. 

"Ho-how can you still say that?" I questioned. 

"How could I not?" He leaned back and noticed my red cheek. "Why is you're cheek bruising?" 

"Fa-fa-fa-" I couldn't get it out. 

"Don't say more. Come with me." 

"Asahi...." I paused and looked down. "I can't, I'm leaving in the morning."

"Wh-what? Why?" 

"No one is supposed to know about us, my race." 

"Well, I don't care what race you are. I love you and I always will. Come." He grabbed me by the wrist. "I'm not letting you near your abusive father." 

"Asahi..." I cried. He picked me up in a piggy-back position. I cried into his neck. 

We went into his room when we got there. He set me down on his bed and pulled out an over-sized hoodie from his closet. 

I put it on even though it was too big for me. It smelled like him and I smiled. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

I nodded, "First off, I'm a ghoul. So are my parents and..." I explain everything. What my family was, where I came from, my original home, why we came here in the first place, how I was supposed to eat humans but I refused to, my powers...

"Wow." He was stunned. I shrunk back into his hoodie, preparing for rejection. "That's interesting. Is your dad going to leave without you if you don't show up in the morning?" 

"Probably, he doesn't care about me." 

"Then you're living with me." He stated. 

"I- what? Asahi?" He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "You know what I am, aren't you scared?" 

"No, I'm not even though I should be." 

"Why aren't you?" 

"Because it's you." 

That made me blush. Asahi leaned forward and kissed me. I accepted it with a smile on my face. 




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