Chapter 9

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Blake made me breakfast in bed Saturday morning, and then we spent the entire day together. Blake took me around the pack and introduced me to some of the members. Everyone was so welcoming. Our final stop was a massive log house beside a private lake. I looked at Blake with curiosity in my eyes before asking "who lives here?" "My parents and baby sister do" he responded. My jaw dropped and I stared at him with shock written all over my face. In the few weeks Blake and I had been together I never once thought to ask about his family. I knew his Dad was the Alpha but we never officially met. I was so caught up with everything that I didn't even consider Blake's family. "Blake I look disgusting, I'm sweaty and my hairs a mess, I don't want to meet your family like this. "Don't worry, you're always gorgeous" he responded. We walked up to the front door and Blake knocked. A young girl who looked exactly like Blake opened the door. She shared everything except Blake's eyes. Instead of the vibrant green, she had light brown eyes with golden flecks.

"Blake!" the girl exclaimed.

"Hey, Arianna." The two hugged before she turned to me.

"You must be Ellery, I've heard so much about you, unfortunately, I had to hear about you through everyone but my brother."

"Oh shut it Ari, you know I would have told you eventually, I've just been caught up. I mean how can you not be with this beautiful creature for a mate" Blake winked.

I blushed as red as a tomato.

"Come in, Mom is going to be thrilled to finally meet you," Arianna exclaimed. "Hey Mom, guess who finally came to visit."

"Oh, my goodness is that my son and his beautiful mate?" a woman responded from the other room. A woman with blond hair and green eyes emerged. She was tall and well built like Blake. Blake's father followed closely behind her. Blake was the spitting image of his father they looked more like brothers than father and son. Like his sister the only difference between them was their eyes, Blake shared his mother's eyes.

"It's so nice to finally meet you," I said.

"The pleasure is all ours darling," Blake's mom responded. "You're even more beautiful then I imagined, my Blakey got lucky with you my dear." I immediately started blushing again.

"Mom stop," Blake whined.

"Hello Ellery, it's nice to finally meet you, welcome to the pack." Blake's father greeted. "It's actually perfect that the two of you are here, we have lots to discuss."

Blake's family lead us to a grand living room with a magnificent view of the lake. We all sat down and got comfortable. Blake grabbed my hand as we walked and sat as close as he could to me on the sofa. He could tell I was nervous and was trying his best to reassure me.

"I would like to discuss a few matters, the first being Ellery's official welcoming ceremony. I know the two of you have spent the day visiting some of the members, however, we would like to host a ball at the packhouse with the entire pack. The second point I would like to discuss is Blake's birthday. Blake turns 19 in 4 months on March 18th, at which point I will officially step down and Blake will take over as the official Alpha. Over the next 4 months, you will be under my direct guidance Blake, in order to prepare you fully. Ellery, since you are Blake's mate you will officially hold the title of Luna following Blake's birthday. As such you will be taking lesson's from my wife Giselle every day after school and for at least 6 hours every weekend. That leads me to my next point. Ellery will need to train to be a proper warrior. In addition to your Luna training, Blake and Emmet will be training with you for at least 10 hours per week."

I sat there completely overwhelmed I never considered how much I would have to learn in order to become a proper Luna. Blake looked at me and saw the fear in my eyes. He put his arm around me and said, "It's all going to be okay baby, I know it seems like a lot but once you start it will be less stressful."

"When will the welcoming ceremony occur" was the only question I could come up with.

"On Christmas Eve, so just over a month away"

"Okay," I said.

The remainder of the visit was splendid both of Blake's parents were wonderful people, and I adored his sister she made fun of Blake a lot and I enjoyed it. I was still extremely nervous, however, I knew that it was going to be alright and that I was in good hands. We left Blake's parent's after dinner and walked back to the packhouse. I was so tired I fell asleep as soon as I laid down. 

That morning I woke up to the bed empty. Blake was nowhere to be found. I got dressed and went downstairs. I checked the kitchen, his office, the gym, I even checked the living room. Liz walked into the kitchen as I was pouring myself a glass of water.

"Hey, you haven't seen Blake around have you?" I asked her.

"No, I haven't sorry. We can look for him together though, come to think of it I haven't seen Emmet this morning either, he was already gone when I woke up"

As soon as Liz finished speaking the boys walked in sweaty as ever. 

"Where have you two been?" I asked.

"We got up early and went for a run" Blake responded as he walked towards me. As much as I loved him he smelled.

"Eww no don't even think about it, you smell."

"Well, then why don't you come and take a shower with me?" He whispered. 

I blushed and my eyes darted around the room examining Liz and Emmet's faces. They were both smirking their eyes on the floor. I looked back at Blake who was staring at me with longing eyes. I shook my head, yes and before I knew it Blake had let out a soft growl before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I squealed and giggled, the movement of his shoulder tickled not to mention Blake's hand was resting rather high on my thigh. Once we made it to our room he sat me down and gave me a kiss before heading to the bathroom to turn the water on. I was so beyond in love with him. All of a sudden I heard "I'm in love with you too baby" I looked around Blake was still in the bathroom and that was definitely not the communication link. "No baby girl, since I marked you, we can now hear each other's thoughts, as long as we're close together." Blake came out of the bathroom completely naked and stared at me smirking. I yelped, ugg this man is a god. "Well, thank you angel" he giggled. Right he can read my thoughts. "Why don't you get undressed now too," he said smirking. Once again I blushed but I started removing my clothes. Blake didn't do anything he just watched love evident in his eyes. Once I removed the final piece of clothing I heard Blake growl softly and whisper mine. It sent shivers up my spine. He walked over to me and pulled me into him. He kissed me softly, then made his way down to my mark. When he kissed it I felt euphoric, there was nothing that compared to this feeling. Blake walked me towards the shower and pushed me in. He kissed me a bit more before grabbing some body wash and putting it on a cotton cloth. He took the cloth and gently rubbed it across my entire body. His gaze followed the cloth and his mouth was parted slightly. I heard his thoughts and couldn't help but blush. I can't believe this beautiful creature is mine, her skin is so smooth and perfect, her body makes me crazy. He kissed random spots all my body before washing my hair for me. We got out of the shower and put on our robes.  We decided to just cuddle for a bit before heading downstairs for Alpha and Luna training. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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