Chapter 2

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Blake's POV

I was out for a run when my nose caught a scent, for some unknown reason I was pulled towards it. When I finally found it's source I noticed I was at the local human high school. I looked around and saw nothing so I decided to walk the perimeter. As I reached the far end of the school's track I noticed a group of teens all about 15 or 16. As I was watching them I noticed one of the girl's eyes they were bright blue but there was something else. All over her magnificent blue eyes were tiny silver flecks. I was amazed I'd never seen anything like it before. I continued to watch this mysterious girl with wondering eyes. One of her friends started calling her name Ellery it sent shivers down my spine. As she came back to reality I finally noticed how beautiful she was her red hair shining with the sun and her naturally tanned skin that was covered in freckles. You could tell she wasn't wearing any makeup she was a natural beauty, absolutely stunning. The school bell rang signalling class and the teens left towards the school doors. I watched mesmerized before she disappeared and vanished. Once back in the deeper portion of the forest my beta Emmet came running with his mate Liz and two other wolves that I could tell were my father's lookouts.

"Where did you go, dude?" Emmet asked.

"I was checking the perimeter." I lied.

"Alright bro" Emmet responded.

That was the end of that conversation as we left-back for the house. Later that night I was out for a walk on the beach. The moon was beautiful so big and bright, and the waves at night were absolutely magnificent. I decided to lie down on the beach and just look at the stars. I began to close my eyes to just listen when I heard a scream of pain and then nothing I sat up and looked around it was close I could tell. I stood and looked around spotting a big yellow Victorian house at the top of the cliff. I could hear a man yelling and a whip, I heard someone being beaten. I began to walk towards the house when I smelt it, I smelt blood. It was from a female that much was obvious to me but she wasn't human. I got a bit closer and realized she wasn't human but she was a wolf. I ran to the house and found the closest window, looking in I saw a teenage girl about 16 walking through the kitchen. She was badly beaten her blood had seeped through her shirt. I watched her as she walked to a laundry room and stripped. She stripped down to nothing but a bra and underwear. She grabbed a towel wrapped it around herself and then removed those too. As she turned around I noticed she was the girl I had seen earlier in the field today. Something inside me snapped at that moment how dare anyone hurt her. I wanted so badly to hold her protect her but I knew I couldn't do anything until I knew more. I decided I would continue to watch over her until I could figure out who she was. As I watched her disappear into a stairwell I turned to go back. I reached my pack rather quickly. Immediately I went to my father's office, I didn't care if he was busy or in a meeting this was important.

"Dad" I called barging in. My father stood up clearly pissed off that I stormed into his office in the middle of a meeting.

"Dad it's important I'm sorry for barging in but I wouldn't have if it wasn't important."I rambled.

"What is it Blake, what is so urgent." My father spoke genuinely concerned.

"There is a female wolf about 16 living with humans she's beaten and treated like a slave. I don't think she even knows she's a wolf." I spit out.

"Oh my, but how do you know she's a wolf. You know we can't tell for sure until one goes through the change."

"I know but when I smelt her blood it smelt like that of a wolf, I don't know, I just know," I said trying to make sense of something that made no sense at all.

"Well, we can not do anything until we know for sure. But I will make sure she stays protected. Blake, you can watch out for her understood?"

"I understand." I would take what I could get.

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