Chapter 5

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Ellery's POV

After taking in Blake's appearance I looked into his eyes I immediately felt a link or connection, that's when I noticed this amazing tingling sensation where Blake was touching me. I was then yanked into Blake's strong arms now feeling the tingling everywhere. He pulled away and said one-word 'mine' that's when the pain came. My bones were breaking and healing and rebreaking I screamed and I saw on Blake's face that he could feel my pain. When it was all over I notice I had fur and paws, Blake noticed my surprise. Next thing I know he's taking off his pants and as much as I want to look I don't. I feel a nudge and I see a wolf the same wolf but this time I know its Blake I feel the tingling. We ran to his home and he told me to go to a room upstairs so that's what I was doing. I walked to a cedar door that had my name engraved in it. I enter and inside is the most magnificent room I've ever seen. The floors were dark oak and the walls were a charcoal grey. The bed was made from sturdy dark wood and covered with a white duvet. Across from the bed was a massive fireplace and television. There were two doors which lead to a massive closest filled with the most beautiful clothes, all of them my size and the other to a bathroom with an old fashion claw tub, a modern stone shower and a massive dark oak mirror. I stood in awe, jaw dropped just staring. I realized I was still a wolf so I decided to lie on the floor and wait for Blake

Blake's POV

As Ellery walked up the stairs I went to my father's office. I knocked and then entered, my dad sat at his desk looking over the map on the wall behind him.

"Dad," I said slowly.

"Oh, Blake there you are I was just about to send for you I want to go over some stuff with you."

"She's a wolf and my mate," I said as calmly as possible.

"She shifted?" My father spoke rather surprised.

"Yes and she's here in the bedroom across from mine, I won't allow her to go back there I can't"

"She's here?" "Blake I know she's your mate but she has a family, what will they think of her mysterious disappearance?"

"Dad they abuse her, she hates it there."

"Son I assure you we will figure something out, in the meantime I want you to train her, understood?"

"Yes, thank you, Dad." I left my fathers office and went up to Ree's room, there I found her lying on the ground in her beautiful silver wolf. I realized that she didn't know how to shift back so I opened our personal link.

"My sweet Ree I know this is probably difficult to understand but in order to change back you have to close your eyes and imagine yourself as a human again." "And don't worry usually it takes several tries." Next thing I know Ellery is shifting on her first try.  My jaw dropped at the sight of her she was absolutly gorgeose, I had sweaty palms and could feel my heart racing. As I realize she's naked I quickly turn around. I know she wouldn't want me to look."Ummm you forgot to mention the naked part" she yelped.

"Sorry," I said handing her the white blanket at the end of her bed. When she's covered I turn back and walk closer. I grab her hand and lead her to the bed so she's sitting when I explain everything. I started with the whole wolf history thing of the goddess creating mates and wolves and how she was a wolf and everything. I explained pack rules and then I explained that she would be staying with the pack. The last thing I explained was why she felt tingling wherever I touched.

Ellery's POV

I waited for about 15 min for Blake. When he came in he got me to change back into a human. He forgot to mention though that when I shifted I'd be completely nude. I saw Blake stare for about a second before looking away. He gave me a blanket that I quickly covered myself with and sat on the bed with him. He explained everything to me. I found out he's the leader of the pack or at least he will be when his father officially steps down on Blake's 19th birthday. When he was done explaining he left so I could adjust and get some rest. I slept for about an hour before waking up. I couldn't sleep knowing he was right across the hall. I contemplated going and told myself no but I found my heart telling me to go anyway and my body forcing me to move even though my head was saying this is bad idea. I put a robe on and some cute lamb slippers and walked across the hall. I knocked and waited but there was no answer so I knocked again and there standing in nothing but boxers stood my Blake. "Ellery is everything okay?" He asked.

"Ya I um I well I can't seem to sleep... I want to be with you." I whispered.

"Oh well, Ree my door is always open to you my angel." "Do you want to sleep in my room?" He asked. I didn't say anything I just hugged him and walked in. I stood there awkwardly for a bit waiting to be told what to do. When Blake noticed he suggested I sleep in his bed and he'd sleep on the couch. I disagreed and said I would sleep on the couch but he refused so I stubornly walked to the couch and sat. He rolled his eyes at me and said " I guess we're both sleeping on the couch than" I laughed and said I'd gladly share. He ended up giving in and slept in the bed. When I woke up I found my self in Blake's bed and him on the couch. He must have moved me. I sat up and looked around I didn't want people to get the wrong idea so I snuck out back into my room. I closed the door behind me and locked it before walking to my new closet and putting on a pair of burgundy high waisted shorts and a white flowy tank with an elephant on the front. I braided two pieces of my hair and wrapped them around my head connecting them at the back with a white bow. I put on a pair of black keds, brushed my teeth and left. I went downstairs and made breakfast for Blake and myself. I was making pancakes when three guys and one girl ran into the kitchen.

"Are those pancakes I smell?" The one guy asked. He was very tall with chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Ya, they are" I responded.

"Your new aren't you?" A guy with black hair and brown eyes said.

"No, really!" The blond tanned guy with blue eyes teased his friend."

"Are you our Luna?" The black hair guy asked. I had just learnt the meaning of Luna but couldn't remeber the exact meaning.

"I'm Blake's mate" I introduced myself.

"I'm sorry about them especially the blond one. I'm Elizabeth, Liz for short. The black-haired one is Seth, the brown-haired one is Paul and the blond one is Emmet he's my mate." A girl about my age apologized. She had flaming red ringlet curls with bright green eyes. She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen.

"Nice to meet you I'm Ellery, Ree for short" I responded.

"Nice to meet you," Liz said.

Just as I got the last pancake on a plate Blake walked in.

"Ree I see you've met my friends," Blake said before kissing my head and hugging me from behind.

"Ya" "Seth, Paul, Emmet, and Liz," I said pointing to each.

"Nice beautiful and smart," Seth said. Blake growled but tried covering it with a cough.

"Sorry" Seth apologized.

"Here," I said finally getting back on track I handed Blake the plate of pancakes.

"Thanks," he said. I smiled and left my new friends to eat with Blake. We ate in silence for a bit before I spoke.

"I have to go back Blake they're going to be wondering where I've been and I'm going to suffer the price for not telling them," I said rather quietly.

"It's okay I have a plan your gonna have to trust me" Blake responded.

"Okay, I guess" I agreed. We didn't talk anymore really.  Later that day, Blake took me out for a run. We changed in the garage before shifting then ran the perimeter of the pack. When we got back to the packhouse we shifted and changed back. After we were dressed we walked into town and to my house.

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