Chapter 8

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Ellery's POV Continued
I woke in Blake's bed with strong arms around me. I remembered the night's events and smiled.
"Good morning beautiful" a rough voice spoke beside me. I laughed and kissed Blake's head.
"Good morning love," I said.
I could so get used to this I thought. I looked over at Blake and decided to ask him about being marked. I wanted to hear what his take on it was. He looked at me a little surprised but responded anyway.
"Well if I mark you, you will be bound to me for eternity. I will forever be yours and you will forever be mine."

"And do you want to mark me?" I asked. 

"Of course I do, you are my mate and I love you more than anything, but I would never do anything without your consent"

"So if I told you I was ready?"

"I would mark you in an instant, but you're not ready are you?" 

"No not yet, give me some more time, this is all still new to me"

Blake placed my hands in his and looked directly into my eyes. "I will only mark you if you tell me too," he said with such affection in his voice. 

School that day was tough, I had constant aches and pains as if I was on my period experiencing full body cramps. As soon as Liz and I got in Blake's truck I felt better. How was I supposed to cope with this when it intensified? Blake made me so incredibly happy but it had only been a month and although I knew he loved me I was still nervous to move past our daily makeout sessions. 

One night after school Liz and I were hanging out while our boyfriends did work things. We were having a Disney movie night and gossiping when I decided to ask her about doing the dirty. "Liz?" I asked.

"Yes?" she responded.

"You and Emmet have you know had sex, and I was wondering when you knew you were ready?"

"Oh, well to be honest it kind of just happened. I grew up with Emmet so I already had a connection to him but when I turned 17 and found out he was my mate all of that intensified. We probably dated for about a month before I knew I was ready."

"That's awsome but like how did you know?"

"I guess I knew when I acknowledged how deep my love for Emmet was. I realized that I would do anything for him and I felt completely safe with him. If I was going to lose my virginity eventually anyway I was extremely happy that it was too Emmet."

"I do love Blake with all my heart, and he makes me feel safe, but I'm nervous. I don't know what I'm doing and I want to be good for him, you know?

"Ree if that's the only thing holding you back I can totally help."


"Definitely, what do you want to know?"

After Liz and I discussed sex for two hours I was feeling a lot better. I was ready to try but I wanted to wait for the perfect moment. I loved Blake and like Liz said if I was going to lose my virginity eventually anyway I was grateful it was with someone who I loved and who loved me back. 

As the days passed I started to become more and more uncomfortable. I was having trouble sleeping, I had to excuse myself regularly from class due to huge waves of pain, and now I had lost my appetite because every time I ate I felt sick. When Blake was around the pain wasn't as intense, however, it was still present. Another week went by and I had to miss a day of school because I was in so much pain. I could see the hurt on Blake's face, I knew he wanted to help. One night after dinner one of the pack members came to visit Blake. I was laying on the sofa in his office so I could be close to him when I heard a growl. I sat straight up and looked at Blake. The pack member's eyes had glossed over and were staring at me. Blake jumped over his desk and grabbed the pack member. He growled even louder and the pack member quickly bowed. Blake dismissed the man and locked his office door. I sat there bewildered not really understanding what just happened. 

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