Chapter 1

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"EMENIA, EMENIA," the little children on the playground shrieked with joy. They loved her to pieces. Her sweet smile, her chestnut hair, her big brown eyes. However, Emenia was slowly wandering away. She was in her own little world, with the wind blowing on her face and the icey coldness making her shiver. She walked through the neglected woods and forest, fighting against the cool breeze. She was used to it. Used to being on her own. There was nobody that actually understood her. There was a mysterious part to her. A part that not even herself could understand.

As she was walking, memories were flooding back of the daily events... She thought of how horrible it felt in her 'friendship' group. Being left out. People being mean to her. People thinking she was crazy. Her little eyes were nearly full of tears. She always covered it up though. She would NEVER live down the moment when people saw her cry. Thinking she was weak. NEVER. NEVER. NEVER. She remembered how their hands touched. How he looked into her eyes, with such love. They were perfect together. So she thought anyhow. He always teased her and made fun of her. But deep down inside, she believed he really did like her. She saw through his silly ways and things he did. She knew how lovely he was. She never showed she liked him. Nor did she tell anyone. She preferred to keep things private. Otherwise there would be gossip and so many rumours about her. She never liked that.

She stopped walking for a moment and listened. She listened to how peaceful it was. How beautiful the birds voices were. How the leaves were rustling against the dusty ground. It was like a place she had always dreamed about. The place she always went to, to think and clear her mind. She knew nothing could hurt her there.

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