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The sky was tar-black and the large clouds were seemingly moving towards you. You heard a tapping  on the window and then it became a pitter-patter. People around you ran for cover outside and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier. The roofs of the cars danced with spray and you could hear the murmuring of the rain through the window of the convenience store you're currently trapped in. It sounded like the buzzing of angry bees.

You could only sigh at the rain pouring heavily, you had to leave right now or else your uncle will kill you for being late to your very first meeting with the board directors as an intern. You cursed yourself for forgetting to bring an umbrella, why did it even have to rain in the first place? You blamed it on your luck. You knew today was not one of your 'good' days; not only did you wake up an hour late that made you rush your preparations to be atleast decent looking, you didn't have the time to take your daily intake of your caffeine hence the reason why you're here in this small store; to buy a cup a coffee. At what cost? The bus that have left a few moments before the heavens decided to sabotage your day.

"You're going to bore a hole to that door ya' know." You whipped your head towards the owner of the voice that brought you out of your trancelike gaze. You're greeted with a tall man with intimidating features—piercings on the side of his head and a black sunglasses that's currently not suitable for today's weather.

"Need something doll?" He smiled at you and your mind immediately went blank. You let out noises that you're 100% sure were inaudible.

Falling in love is very real, but you used to shake your head when people talked about soul mates, poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty in a poetry book.

When you saw his alluring grin however, everything changed, the cynic has the converted, the sceptic, an ardent zealot.

You weren't able to ask him about his name, your timings never right. The man was already gone, bravely bracing the cold sensation of water after receiving a phone call, you saw how his whole face shift from quirky to a somewhat, serious expression. You wondered who was on the other line of the call, it caused your heart to sank at thought of him leaving; what are the odds of you meeting him again?

Your hand clutch the umbrella that was now in your possession , face dusted in pink, you can almost feel your heart beating in an erratic manner. You stared at his retreating figure, leaving you with nothing  except for his umbrella and pure regrets; you will never be able to see him again.

But fate had its own way of toying with the two of you.

Your eyes darted on the papers scattered on the floor, upon close inspection, it was a flyer for a chinese restaurant that you surely wouldn't have heard from as you have only moved in New York City recently.

"Chang Dai..." You read out loud, a small smile curled on your lips, you clipped the flyer in one of the folders you have brought with you, it also reminded you of the harsh reality that you're definitely getting an earful from your uncle now.

"Fuck, the meeting!" You hurriedly open your umbrella and ran, feet pounding the ground with all the grace of wet concrete and against the harsh winds as you flailed your arms around to hail a cab. You didn't appreciate the icky feeling the rain gave but the butterflies in your stomach distracted you from all the negative thoughts.

On what seems like the worst possible days to you, you met a man that made everyday better, and he didn't know that he had that effect on you.

Needless to say, Chang Dai earned a regular customer the next day.

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