Trick Or Treat? | Part 2

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Btw, I know the POV thing is new

So sorry this is 100% late-

Let's continue :3


(Still Dan's POV)

I got finished getting force fed by those three, and then me and Jay left for the mall. I suggested, "We should split-," and Jay cut me off. :/ He grabs my hand, "Nope! No splitting! We're shopping together, whether you like it or not." I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Fiiiine. You win." I reply, but whispered, "For now." He smirked, greattttt, he heard me.

"Daniel~" He sung. I look at him, and he faces directly in front of me, so we are eye to eye. He opens his eyes, and asks, "Would you like to.." I stopped listening- I'm so incredibly sorry, but LOOK AT THOSE EYES! They're too mesmerizing. I can't stand it. Wait- he asked me a question! Shoot-

Jay looked at me with a smile, and shut his eyes again. "Alrighty, since you nodded, let's go shop!" I followed Jay as he held my hand- MY HAND- and now I wonder what did I agree to? Jay led me into a costume shop and let my hand go. "I'll go get my costume, and you look around and find your's, kay?" "Kay." I replied with a smile. And soon enough, he walked off. Welp, time to look for a costume.

I walked around, checking things out. And I found a really cool pirate costume! Comes with a free pin that says, "FIRST MATE". I bought the costume and found nice accessories to go with it. And Jay.. already at the door waiting for me- Dang, he's fast! He went ahead and said that I should choose where to go next. I picked out a candy shop. Jay asked me to call him, while he went to a different store.

I found this really nice treasure chest and bought a bunch of chocolate doubloons for it! Perfect thing to give to Jay!  I got Hosuh some of these Pirate Cookies and Stephen gets this container full of candy skulls. Now, as for a spook, the doubloons are to make up for it, but I want to pull a spook on Jay. Hmmm... Ooh, I just got an idea! I bought what I needed and left.

I went over to the food court and called Jay. "Heyyyyy, Daniel!" Jay greeted on the call. "Where are you?" I asked. "Well, just got done buying the trick or treats for our entire ensemble." He means, me, Stephen, and Hosuh. "Cool, sooo, can you come by the Taco Bell in the food court? I'm hungry." He chuckles, "Sure! See ya there, short stuff." "I'm not THAT short!" and hung up as he laughed.

I was scrolling though Instagram, and then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, "Hiya, Dan!" "Jay! Finally, I'm hungry. Let's gooo~" I grabbed his wrist and took him to order Taco Bell. (Fun fact, I've never gotten Taco Bell, but I would like to TvT)

~Time Skip~

We ate, and got treats for the rest of our friends. Hosuh and Stephen are buying one last ingredient for what I'm bringing to the party. Hosuh will be baking up a dessert. and then Jay and Stephen will bring treats that Hosuh and I helped them buy. It is what it is!

Me and Jay got home and find Hosuh and Stephen finishing lunch. I take off my shoes and ask Stephen, "Whatcha eating?" Stephen showed his plate, "Just some eggs, rice, and octo-dogs" (Octo-dogs, hot dogs dat look like an octopus, my sis makes them, they're awesome-) I smiled at Hosuh, "You figured out how to cut them! Good job!" Hosuh smiled back, "Haha, yeah. And they're really cute!" I nodded, but heard an ahem. Everyone turned Jay. "Uh, hello? I exist too!"

I laughed a little, and Hosuh said, "Hi, Jay. Nice to see you back too." And Stephen just flipped him off as he chews his food. I laughed as I went to my room to put my bags away. Jay just plopped them in his room. Jay and Stephen started sorting their stuff for tonight while using a speaker to blast out their music in the room. Jay helping Stephen with his plan on secret project.

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