Trick or Treat? | Part 1

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(Dan's POV)

It was October 31st! Halloween 🎃! I woke up and ran to Jay's room. "Jay! Jay! Wake up, Jay!" I chanted. Jay slowly ajusted himself to face me. He smirked, "Morning, adorable, how may I help you?" I felt my checks burn. Fudge you, Jay. I cleared my throat, "It's Halloween! We gotta go buy the special things." The special things are just gifts to give someone on Halloween, but one gift is actually a spook to scare someone.

Jay gets up, "Yeah, I know. Let's get changed and eat some breakfast before we go shopping, kay?" I nod, "Kay." I get up, and walk over to the door. Before I close it, I hear Jay say, "Wear something warm, cute cheeks." My face turned red as I shut the door. "O-Okay!" I heard Jay chuckle as I walk back to my room.

I close my door and immediately moaned. Why does he have to be so charming? So is Stephen, but Stephen is just a friend. Uuuggghhh. Jayyyyy. I shake my head, I have to focus! I go over to my closet and grab a pair of black jeans and a mint green sweater. I put it on, and I looked for a hoodie to wear. Unfortunately, I don't have any, since used them all and they're in my laundry. I sigh, hope it's not too cold outside.

I walk downstairs. "Yo," Stephen greets. Hosuh gave me a wave. I smiled at him, and said hey to the physcopath. Stephen was eating some pancakes shape like Jack O Lanterns. Hosuh was having some tea and sugar cookies we made a few days ago. I look at the staircase to see Jay standing there, staring at... Me? I smile brightly, "Hey, Jay! Come eat some breakfast." He turned around and Stephen was laughing at him. Hosuh shook his head and grabbed some napkins. I tilted my head, "Is Jay okay?"

Hosuh nods, "Just a bit warm." I slowly nod. I start grabbing some pretzels until Stephen grabbed my wrist. I look at him. He glares at me, "Eat a real meal, Daniel. Pretzels won't keep you full of energized." I was shocked at first, but then looked down at my the ground. I guess I disappointed him. "You're not in trouble, just eat some food." He says. I look at him, and he smiles. He drops my wrist, and starts making me a meal.

Jay sits down, and Hosuh directs me to sit next to Jay. I protest, "Stephen, I'm not a baby. I can cook for myself." Stephen retorts, "I know that, stupid. You need to relax. Chill, I'm cooking." I start getting up, but Jay grabs my arm and drags me back down. "But I can at least help-" Hosuh cuts me off. "We got this, Dan. Don't work for everything." I hesitate, but sit myself back, and put my head on the table.

Jay patted my back, "You'll cook later if you want." I pout as I face Jay, "I just wanna help..." He nods, "I know, I know, but we can do stuff ourselves." I look up at Hosuh and Stephen. They were plating the food and Stephen kissed Hosuh's cheek. Couple goals. I giggle a little, and then closed my eyes. I start day dreaming ideas until I don't hear the others anymore. Soon enough, I start heading a muffler Stephen.

"Daaaaaan, wake uuuuup." Stephen said. I slowly open my eyes and yawn. I put my head off the table and rubbed my eye. "Hm?" Jay chuckled, "You fell asleep for a few minutes there. Didn't know you were that tired." Hosuh gave me some water. I drank a little. I heard someone say "Say ah." I opened my mouth, doing that. I was fed some... porridge? I guess. And then I heard, "How much sleep you got, Daniel?"

I slap my face, which surprised them a bit. I answer, "Like, two hours..?" Then Stephen smacked my head. "I thought you said you'd get more sleep." He scolded. I groaned, "I ammmm. I just stayed up more last night." "But why?" Hosuh asks. I shook my head, "Can't say."

The other three look at me with worry or disappointing faces. I look at them and apologize. Thy tell me to not be so sorry. So then I said sorry. Jay slapped his forehead, Stephen groans, and Hosuh laughs at their reactions.

Man, today's been exciting! However...

This is only the beginning


Hi hi! Ready for the spooktacular day? Well, buckle up, guys, there's more! Sorry for my absence, btw. I'll be back, just you wait! Just you wait~

Sieze the day - MT 💜

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