We Have To Tell Him..

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I awake to the sound of Ethan's soft voice on my right.

"(y/n)....wakey uppyyyy.."

When I open my eyes, he's crouching beside me with one of the best smiles ever.



"wut time iz it..?

He checks his watch "10:24am"

I blink a couple times and shut my eyes again.


"oh c'mon, pwease.??"

Without thinking, I mumble, "only if you pick me up"

He giggles "Ok then"

In a matter of seconds, I feel him gently pick me up from beneath my knees and back. My eyes open rather quickly; I did not know he would actually do that.

"You gonna get up now?"


He slowly lowers me to the floor, moves behind me, and delicately holds my shoulders so that I can get my balance.

"ok I'm up, now what..?"

"d'you remember what we said last night..er this morning?"

I lean back on him a little bit, then remember what he's talking about.

"ohh right...when we gonna tell him?"

He runs a hand through his hair. "uhm..soon"

"think he'll be up by 11?"

"yeah, I'm sure he'll be awake by then. Mark's an early bird. Speaking of which, I thought he gets up at, like, 6 in the morning"

"well considering that both of you had to maintain another channel for a year, uploading everyday can really take it outta ya"

"yeah, Lord Farquaad needs his sleep anyway."

I laugh, but not too loud, aware that Mark's most likely still asleep.

But I'm proven wrong when we hear his door creaking open. He emerges from his room, looking not as tired as we would've thought so.

His long hair is a mess, covering almost half his face. He has on jeans, and a plain white shirt, which reminds of something.

"Morning Annus"

He looks over at me and smiles, while trying to tame the floof that keeps getting in his face.

Ethan walks over to him and lightly puts an elbow on his shoulder. "hey buddy"

He looks at Ethan and gives him a 'it's too early for this' look. And says the three famous words in his morning voice.

"don't..touch me.."

I chuckle, then approach him on his other side, and replicate Ethan's position.

"oh I don't mind you.."

"whaaatt? Come on Maaarrk..we spent a whole year together, wasn't that nice? huh?"

"a year..is more than enough for me.."

I chime in "you know that's not true. You two have bonded really well..remember The Buddy System.."

They make eye contact for a couple seconds, then Ethan is overcome by an uncontrollable smile, it's contagious, so Mark smiles too. Eef then engages a warm embrace to his dear friend.

'awww...' I say in my head. They rarely hug, so this is a very special, wholesome moment that I'll probably never forget.

They pull away from each other; There's a silence, but a comfortable silence. Eef is the first to speak.

"so uhm, hey Mark..?"

His tone is quiet and serious, which makes Mark a bit concerned.


"can we..talk..bout somethin.?"

'I see where he's getting at.'

I motion towards the table in the living room to where we walk and sit down.

He looks anxious, and I have a feeling it'll go better If I say it.

"what's going on?"

I sigh and spill the beans: "It's..uh..kinda hard to say..but..ever since I knew Ethan..for 3 years..I viewed him as a friend, and just that. But since this virus came along, quarantine and all..I haven't seen him that much..and..from the time that he's been here..I see him..differently...not just as a friend.."

Mark speaks in hushed tones "I'll be honest..I saw this coming. Don't worry, I understand. Really I do..I love you in every possible way, and I support your decisions, because you always know what's best for you. And you haven't steered yourself wrong so far." A smile slowly spreads across his face. "Just know that..whatever happens..if you two feel right for each other, and if we have to split apart...I'll still be here for you..I'll still be your best friend y/n...you too Ethan.."

I glance between them before announcing "group hug commence" we all get close, place our arms over and across each other's shoulders, and partake in a three-way hug. We take deep breaths, taking in what just happened, and knowing this will have a big impact in our lives.

We're Just Friends, Right? (Markiplier x Reader x Crankgameplays) Where stories live. Discover now