Aw, You Silly Bean..

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"Ooo, it's getting late, Mark.. I think I should be getting home."

"Or....we could have a sleepover..?"


'Really?!? I'm gonna have a sleepover with *the* Heapass??-'

"Oo, sounds fuN. Eef, I iMpLorE yOu tO sTaYy."

He did that high pitched laugh and said, "y/n, I'd loOOovVe tOoo"

Mark chimed in, "Alright then! This is gonna be great!"

'yes it will...'

We all stood up, and Mark showed us to the guest room. "Eef'n, this..-" he opened the door, "- is allll yours. For tonight at least."

"Thanks, bud" He lied down on the comfy bed.

I never really go in that room, and when I think about it, it's actually quite nice for a guest room. It's very spacial. It's got a bookshelf with a TV mounted on the wall above it, a desk with a blue tinted lava lamp on it, and the king size bed with sooo many soft, warm blankets. It looks big enough for 2 people..

"DaNg, you're stayin in a nice looking room. Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous."

"Y/n, you've seen this before, why be jelly?"

"I've only seen it tWiCe, Mark. And I'm jeLLy cause it's got a blue lamp of lavA."

Ethan then said, "Wanna stay in here with me then?.." 

We're Just Friends, Right? (Markiplier x Reader x Crankgameplays) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें