Well This Is New..

414 21 4

After I'm done contemplating this moment, I come to the conclusion that he is tired.

Seconds afterwards, I feel his arm start to slowly move across my upper back, and come to a rest on my shoulder. As if he were reading my mind and telling me that my answer is wrong, and making the correct one obvious.

He gently pulls me towards him, making me lean on him as well. He tilts his head where his mouth is right next to my ear.

"is this ok..?" he softly whispers.

"y-yeah..." I answer.

'how does this feel so....normal?
How did it get to this point? I mean..we're just friends, right...? Friends do this kind of stuff all the time.-'

Ethan interrupts my train of thought when he starts moving his thumb back and forth over my shoulder.

'ok..maybe friends don't do THAT, but....how-'

My thoughts are interrupted again, but this time, it's by a car rolling into the driveway.

"I think that's Mark" Eef said, returning to wakefulness, stretching afterwards.

"Yeah, it is"

I really didn't want this moment to end, but I guess everything comes to an end eventually..

I heard Mark open the front door, and both Eef and I went to greet him

"Hey youuu look what I gottt.."

It was the new phone. It was bigger than my other one, and the case was a really nice shade of (color of choice).

"waoww sweet! Thank you lots!" I said to Mark.

After I put my ✨fancy✨ new phone on a table nearby, I gave Mark a gentle hug. And he returned the gesture.

"really, thank you..."

He gave a smol smile, and spoke softly. "You're very welcome..anytime shortstacc"

We disengaged from the embrace, then I picked up my phone, and walked to the living room. Once I turned it on, I set it to unlock with the facial recognition option.

Ethan appeared around the corner of the room with a soft look on his face. "hey hey, whatcha doin?"

"Testin out the face scan unlock setting. I hope this one actually works.."

I held still for the camera to scan my face, and....it works!

"yEs finally, a scanner that actually works"

Eef chuckled at the thought he had. "can I try?"

"Sure. It probably won't work"

He stood still, as the scanner did its thang.


We're Just Friends, Right? (Markiplier x Reader x Crankgameplays) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن