Pt 14: The Game begins Now!, Or so they say?! 🤷‍♀️

Start from the beginning

"Okay, so the riddle says: You may seem worried as this is your first try, but your first exit depends on your next cry", Stacey asserted.

"So, if I heard correctly, is this trying to say that, we should cry before we get to the next riddle?, cos if it is, well let's just say I'm ready to fill a whole bowl of tears right now", Chloe said.

"This is not the right time to make expensive jokes Chloe", I steered.

"Oh, I wasn't joking!", Chloe winked.

"Can we get back to the riddle?!", Kenzie yelled in frustration.

We nodded our heads positively.

"Umm, this is kinda a tricky riddle", Stacey said.

"Well, duh!", Mackenzie said.

"Welcome aboard, what was your first idea uh?!", Zoey said.

"Ugh!, what I'm trying to say is this, I think we should try checking this room, for maybe umm, clues?!" Stacey suggested.

"We don't have a choice, do we?", Adrian mumbled flatly.

"Okay let's begin with the search!", I exclaimed.
Five minutes of searching.
"Ooo, I found something!", Chloe exclaimed.

"And what's that?", Joey said, speaking for the first time.

"OH. IT'S. A- doll?!!!!!", Chloe said in awe.

"A doll? what are we possibly going to use that for?!", Mackenzie and Carson yelled in an utterance.

"Oh, please don't yell at her", Stacey pleaded.

"Why?", we all asked in unison.

"Cos, she just found the ticket to our next riddle", Stacey said while she gleamed.

'Uh?!', was kinda the expression displaying on our faces including that of Chloe.
"Hey, Mollie?! Can you hear me!!!", I screamed to the walls hoping she could hear me through the speakers.

"Oh!-uh, -sorry about that, I'm here now, any problem?", she replied.

"We found out the clue to the riddle. Here, this's it!", Stacey howled, while she hovered the doll in the air making it to wail like a child.

"Wow, that's interesting. Okay, without any delay, here's your next riddle: You tried on your first trial but for you to leave this filthy room, you see! you need to catch the first liar". She asserted.

"These riddles makes no sense!, I don't get it, is it trying to say we are liars? Or we should watch out for someone who would tell a lie?!", Isabella Squinted in a rage.

"Good LuuUCK!", Mollie said in a sing-song voice before she hung up on us.

"Guys! This is very simple!. Hello, Mollie?!!!!", Stacey squealed.

"*Noises from behind the speakers*, hey, hello!", Mollie replied.

"What's going on back there?", I inquired.

"Oh's nothing!", she retorted.

"So, Stacey what's the matter? Have you guessed the riddle", she continued.

"Yes, actually it's a very easy one. The first liar is no other person than YOU!!!", Stacey voiced out.

*Confusion fills the atmosphere*

"How?", Mollie asked.

"We solved the first riddle which was our first trial but in the process, no one made a lie, so since you're the one calling out the riddles, you're obviously lying cos no one ever said a lie. Making you the first liar!. I hope I'm right though!", Stacey said.

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