Chapter 29: keena

Start from the beginning

"It's ok, I like feeding her at least she try new food" said Lauren in defence of her wife whom didn't take it well

"You mean I don't eat different food ?"

"So you never refused to eat ?"


"THATS a big lie you never try something which is not generic like burgers or pizza"

"See you are lying I tried salmon "

"Because you know what salmon is!"

"I..shut up"

(A/n one of the funniest interview )

"Both of you stop acting like a child and get ready because you guys need to go a countryside resort for the new hotel presentation"

"Papi I can't, I need to go to the office than go out with my bo- est friend " Alejandro just look at her as for 'keep talking and you are grounded'

"I'm taking care of the office you guys go there and Lauren share also your views on the biological energy resources " said Alejandro to Lauren who just nodded

"We better leave now or we will be late" said getting up Lauren and waiting for Camila to get up so they can leave together

as soon as they got in the car Camila started mumbling about how annoyed she was with her father, so easy the mood in the car Lauren put some song in the radio but when she heard the music all the memories of her ex lover come back like a train coming to their station but destined to leave one day

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

Well that's alright, because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry

Well that's alright, because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie


Why? Why did you cheat keena, wasn't I enough?" Asked Lauren crying to her girlfriend who got caught cheating on her with one of her best friends

"No you were always enough but I just have my needs which you were not ready to satisfy, I mean come on we have been together for like a 1 year and still you are not comfortable enough to have sex with me "

"But we do oral-"

"It's not enough, I need more yet I couldn't break up with you because I do love you, you are the best thing that ever happened to me but Unfortunately we are not enough for each other " Lauren knew why she didn't wanted to have sex with keena because her heart was still captured by just one girl although she did love keena but she wasn't in love with her and it's always troubled her enough that she thought if slept with her it will be using keena for her advanced and somehow cheating on Camila, when actually she was cheating emotionally on keena not camila and she was well aware of it

but somehow it still hurt her a lot finding out that keena cheated on her with her best friend other than just break up meanwhile yeah she did have thought of someone else but she would have never reacted on those feelings as long as she was in a relationship with keena

She knew this relationship wasn't going anywhere so they agreed to break up but there was still so much emotions left behind

"Lauren ducking look where you are going " said camila shaking Lauren's body making her take control of the car again

"I'm sorry I just black out for a second "said concentrating again in the road

"What were you thinking about?"asked camila seeing how lauren was distracted

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