Draco sent off almost a dozen bottles later that day, congratulating Astoria and her new husband on their recent nuptials and included a personal note to Astoria that if she needed any assistance, to please reach out to him and Hermione.

A week later, Astoria, per her lifetime of etiquette training undoubtedly, sent back a cordial thank you note for the champagne and the well-wishes. She also included a personal note addressed only to him.

In her perfect calligraphy, it read: You're a good man, Draco Malfoy.


February 2009

"Where the bloody hell are Ron and Padma?"

This question had been voiced no less than eight times and by a different person in each instance. Tensions in their private waiting room of the maternity ward of St. Mungo's were high to say the least. But then, it wasn't every day that Molly and Arthur's only daughter gave birth to the child of the savior of the wizarding world.

Of the assembled family, Molly and Fleur remained the most composed, sitting side by side as they jointly stitched a baby blanket for the newest Potter, a tradition of the Weasley grandchildren. The Weasley men were an entirely different story.

Though most assembled were already fathers, that didn't stop Arthur, Bill, Charlie, George, and Percy from taking turns pacing up and down the length of the room as everyone waited for news. It had been several hours already, and no one had yet heard anything about their sweet little Gin, the youngest of them all. If Ginny herself could see such behavior from her male relatives, her infamous Bat-Bogey Hex would definitely make an appearance.

Hermione performed this family waiting ritual at most births, though she'd usually been at Ron's side. Now it was an uncomfortable Draco next to her, bouncing his knee anxiously while she chewed her nails down to nothing.

The sounds of frantic pacing and anxious muttering come to a halt as the doors to the room burst open and a breathless Ron bounded in, tugging a grinning Padma behind him. Everyone stared at the newcomers, a few hours late and dressed in fashionable formal robes.

"Well it's about time!" admonished Molly. "We've not heard anything yet, so you two best get comfortable. Where were you? George tried to reach you hours ago!"

The newly arrived couple exchanged radiant grins, before Ron yanked Padma's hand up for all to see. "We're engaged!"

The room was stunned silent for all of five seconds before the gathered group collectively roared in delight and surged forward to envelop Ron and his new fiancée in congratulatory embraces. And this right here was why Hermione loves the Weasleys ever so much: their well of joy was boundless. Ron and Padma's announcement didn't detract from the impending birth of baby Potter, but rather added to the excitement of the atmosphere.

Hermione hugged Ron and Padma hard in turn, as Ron babbled about how they'd been out to dinner for their dating anniversary and he'd proposed at the restaurant of their first date and gods, he'd been so nervous he almost dropped the ring.

Ginny and Harry could not have picked a happier day to bring their child into the world.

A quiet cough behind them revealed a flustered Harry, hair in all directions like he'd pulled on it for hours and though anxiety rolled off him in waves, a happiness radiated outward that made him almost glow.

"It's a... it's a boy," he announced with a nervous grin. "Gin's doing great... she did great, she's... she's perfect..." He trailed off in helpless amazement at his strong wife and then seemed to realize the room waited for the rest of the announcement.

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