Chapter 10

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Hermione hadn't felt this nervous in quite some time. This was their last morning together before their Christmas break started and they most likely wouldn't see one another until the New Year. It was now or never. But maybe she should just wait and send this through owl post. That way, he could open it in private and she wouldn't need to witness his reaction. She considered her options as she tapped her pen rhythmically against her notebook and shifted her weight to cross and then uncross her legs. Maybe she could just hand it to him when they parted for work and—

"Did you accidentally order espresso again?" His bored drawl tore through her anxious thoughts.


"You're fidgeting in your seat like a First Year who just discovered peppermint toads and your face is all blotchy and red. What gives?"

Her eyes widened in mortification at being called out for her odd behavior and appearance and her nervousness increased by ten-fold. Subtlety was clearly not in her skillset.

"Granger, seriously, is something wrong? You look like you're going to—"

"I have something for you!" she blurted loudly and inelegantly and watched his eyebrows raise in surprise.

She waited with bated breath as Draco's mouth opened and then closed in shock, and he seemed confused by what she had practically shouted. Unable to take the awkward silence any longer, Hermione huffed and reached into her bag.

Pulling out two small, wrapped gifts, she placed both on the table next to his hands, biting her lip as he stared them down.

"You got me a gift?" he asked hollowly, not meeting her eyes.

"Two actually," she quipped, making a brave stab at humor.

Draco's face was impassive as he reached a pale hand toward the first and Hermione felt like she was waiting for the guillotine to fall. He was taking ages to unwrap it and Hermione only just resisted pulling out her hair. Oh sweet Merlin, why had she thought this was a good idea? Of all the ill-conceived, moronic, presumptuous things she could have done, buying Draco Malfoy a Christmas present had to be top of the list. He could afford to buy himself literally anything he wanted, not to mention he probably received all sorts of extravagant items from his mother, so why on earth did she think her meager offering would be appreciated?

A warm, genuine chuckle interrupted her thoughts of self-doubt. "Oh, well played Granger. This is bloody brilliant. Don't even think about borrowing one off me, all these pens belong to me!"

Hermione let out a huge exhale in relief at his gleeful reaction to the packet of ballpoint pens. She'd have to be blind not to notice how he jealously eyed her writing instrument every morning, admiring the ease of use over quills. And now he wouldn't have to interrupt her work every morning by demanding to borrow one.

"I'll have to teach you to hold one properly, your handwriting is atrocious," she teased and he shot back a playful glare.

As he reached for the second present, Hermione held her breath again. The wrapping fell away to reveal a small, handsome leather case. Draco propped it open and picked up the solid gold pen contained within. He held it up with long, graceful fingers to the light, eyeing it curiously, and then rotated it in front of his eyes to read the words Hermione had engraved for him: Draco Lucius Malfoy. Turning it over again, his eyes took in the opposite side design, which had a pattern of stars that formed his namesake constellation.

"That's called a fountain pen," she explained quickly. "Muggles usually reserve them for special occasions or for signing important, valuable documents because they're considered a luxury good and status symbol due to the limited amount of ink and manual refilling process, plus the gold material of the pen itself. Since I know you're in charge of all your family's financial obligations, I thought you might like something nice for significant agreements or donations. Of course, if you think it's stupid or don't want to use it I can always—"

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