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HAPPY HALLOWEENNNNN sorry I haven't written in some time I had slot going on, but here's a long chapter to make up for it!

It's Halloween night and the two superheroes are at the end of the patrol

"Hey I've gotta leave patrol early my friend is making me go to this dumb Halloween party, sorry kitty" Ladybug said watching their legs dangle from the Eiffel Tower.

He smiled sweetly "it's fine I actually have plans of my own tonight, I'm going to a throw a party maybe I'll see you at my house ma'lady" He said smirking at the blushing girl next to him

She shook her head and pushed his chest playfully "I doubt it silly kitty. Anyways I should probably get ready now I'll see you tomorrow!" She said standing up.

He quickly followed after her "wait! Umm... what are you going as?" He said

She smiled sympathetically "you know I can't tell you it'll risk out identity's"

He frowned "pleaseeee just a hint what if we find each other?"

She sighed "ok fine but we probably aren't going to the same party anyways. My friend is being Ladybug and want me to" She said embarrassed

He smirked and hugged her "I'm going as Ladybug My friend wants to be chat Noir," he said blushing

She giggled "bye kitty!" And they went there separate ways

"Tikki spots off!" She detransformed and got in the shower

She shaved everywhere and started washing her hair when she heard the bathroom door open.

"Hey girl it's me!" Alya said sitting on the bathroom counter getting on her phone.

Marinette laughed "hey Alya!" "Im almost out what time is it?"

"9:30" Alya answered "ok hand me my towel?" Marinette said turning off the shower shivering at the cold air.

Alya threw the towel over the shower curtain and left to lay on her bed to give her a little privacy, not that they haven't seen each other naked before.

She walked out of the bathroom in her bra and panties.

She went to her dresser and grabbed Alya's Ladybug costume that's she designed and tossed it to her "here ya go" Marinette said

Alya caught it and began to put it on, Marinette doing the same.

They got them on and the accessories to match and look in the mirror

"Omg this is great girl!" Alya said


Marinette was wearing a slutty chat noir spandex suit that she had zipped up just enough to show her cleavage. Her bottom had a tail and she had put on a head band with cat ears

Alya had the same thing on except a ladybug version minus the tail and cat ears.

Their suits were tight so you could see their curves, they also had on masks too.

They walked out her front door and began the walk to Adrien's house.

Marinette has gotten better at not stuttering and over learned to hide her feelings.

They walked in and saw Adrien and Nino arm wrestling on the table they laughed and walked over to them

Alya smirked and kissed her boyfriends cheek causing Nino to jump in shock and loose the game

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