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Scene: Quake.

(Phoebe enters. Two guys walk up to her.)

Guy #1: Are your parents terrorists? 'Cos baby you're the bomb.

Guy #2: Jim, Jim, ask her if it hurt when she fell.

Phoebe: Uh, excuse me?

Guy #2: When you fell from Heaven. Did it hurt. 'Cos I know an angel when I see one.

Phoebe: Hmm. I'm no angel. I'm a witch. But don't tell my sisters I told you. (She walks over to Prue, Piper and Poppy who's sitting at a table.) Oh, I'm so glad you guys are still here. What are you staring at?

Prue: They have been going at if for almost an hour. (looking towards a couple making out.)

Phoebe: Hello! Oh, I can't even look.

Piper: I know. I hate being single.

Skye: Waitress coming through. Special delivery.

Piper: Hey Skye.

Phoebe: Hey Skye.

Skye: Hi.

(She places a glass of wine in front of Poppy.)

Poppy: Um, I think there's been some kind of a mistake. I didn't order this.

Skye: I know. You have a secret admirer. He ordered it for you.

(She points out the Dream Sorcerer. He's sitting in a wheelchair.)

Piper: Who's that?

Skye: I have no idea. I'm just following the bartender's orders. And, apparently he's been eyeing Poppy all night.

Poppy: Skye, can you do me a favour? Um, tell him thank you and I'm very flattered. But I'm kind seeing someone else.

Skye: Sure.

Poppy: Thanks.

(All the sisters give her a look, knowing wasn't seeing someone else.)

Poppy: He doesn't have to know that. I've got to much on mind, and let's just say, he's not my type.

Cut to the Dream Sorcerer.

(Skye walks up to him.)

Dream Sorcerer: She didn't want the drink?

Skye: I'm sorry, no. She's flattered, she's just seeing someone else.

Dream Sorcerer: Sure she is. How about you? Maybe you'd like to have a drink with me.

Skye: Oh, um, that's really sweet of you but I'm not allowed to date the customers.

Scene: Skye's apartment.

(She's asleep. The Dream Sorcerer is there.)

Dream Sorcerer: Hello, Skye.

(She wakes up.)

Skye: What the ...?

Dream Sorcerer: Shh... (He covers her mouth.) You in my world now, Skye. (Her room turns into her dream. It's all red and there's clouds in the sky. It kind of looks like they're on top of a building roof. She's now wearing an evening dress.) You look beautiful in that dress. I knew you would.

Skye: I don't understand.

Dream Sorcerer: It's your dream, but it's my fantasy.

Skye: Where am I?

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