"Aw, come on" she said sitting cross-legged in front of me. "At least he kissed you this time. So what was it like?" did I forget to mention that Ellen is a best friend, mom, aunt and manger all rolled into one?

"It was amazing" I said dreamingly.

"Did he ask you out?"

 "No. but he asked me to be his girlfriend"

"Seriously?!" Ellen squealed.

"Yup" I said popping the p.

"That's great news! I'm so happy for you!" she exclaimed throwing her arms around me.

"Ellen?" I asked.


"Can I please tell him? I know he won't tell anyone, please?"

"I know you want to, but you can't. Remember what happened last time?"

I shuddered at the memory, she was right. What happened last time wasn't such a pleasant thing.


"No buts Amy. Even if he didn't tell anyone, what do you think will come to people's minds when they see him kissing the ugly nerd, Amy Sanders? Not all people are stupid"

"I guess you have a point"

Ellen got off the bed and handed me some clothes to put on. When I was done we headed to the reception. I spotted Jack and he rushed to my side giving me a hug. We chatted while Ellen was getting the paper work done. When she finished we went outside to the taxi Eric got. I said goodbye to Jack and got into the Taxi.

Once at the hotel we headed to our rooms. Ellen entered ours and I followed suit, but before I stepped inside Eric grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"So I was wondering if you were free tomorrow?" he asked nervously, scratching the top of his head.

"No I'm pretty expensive. Why do you ask?" I said smirking.

"That's a shame, I'm broke at the moment, guess I'll have to go rob a bank" he said sighing. "Bye AJ" and he began to walk away.

"No, wait. Eric!" I yelled grabbing his hand.


"I'm not busy tomorrow. What is it you wanted?"

"Well I was hoping that maybe we could go out on a date tomorrow?"

"I'd love too" I said grinning.

"Great, I'll see you tomorrow at five, bye" he grinned back.

''Bye" I closed the door slightly upset that he didn't kiss me. Before I could get away from it someone knocked. I opened the door and I saw Eric.


"I forgot something" and he crashed his lips to mine. He held me by the waist pulling me closer as I melted against his body. I knotted my hands in his soft hair kissing him back. I pulled away giving him a hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then?"

"Yeah, you guess I will"


 "Ellen, do I have to wear the wig?"

"Afraid so"

I sighed and placed the wig on my head. I put on a pair of gray flats and grabbed my bag before exiting the room.

"Wow, you look good" commented Ellen.

"Thanks" I said blushing.

Someone knocked on the door but before I could go answer it Ellen ran.

"Wow Eric, you look hot! If I were a few years younger I would totally date you"

He laughed. "So is AJ ready?"

"I'm sorry, she didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"That she's sick and can't go"

"She is?"

"No I'm not. Thank you Ellen you can leave now"

Eric's eye's lightened up when he saw me.



"You two have fun and don't do anything you shouldn't be doing" she smirked.

"Bye Ellen" I called closing the door.

As soon as it was closed Eric kissed me. It was quick but just as magical as the one's before.

"You look beautiful" he said.

I blushed at his comment. He chuckled and pulled a single red rose from behind his back. He tucked in my jacket.

"A beautiful rose for the beautiful lady"

"Thanks" I said blushing harder.

"Let's get going, shall we?" he asked holding out an arm.

"We shall" I replied hooking mine through his.


hi guys

hope you like this chapter and come on i think it desrves a vote. three chapters in three days? it's just a click away. about the last time comment when amy and ellen are in the hospital, that will come later so bare with me.

so don't forget








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