20. Finale

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"No! No, no, no! PLEASE! Y/N...no..." Tom wailed, a hopeless little ball on the floor. Paddy, Harry, and Sam watched him sadly. "Please don't go, Y/N! I...I love you," he whispered to the corpse.

"Really? Well, that's lucky because I'm not gone," I chuckled softly from off to the side. Sam, Harry, and Paddy's heads shot up when they heard my voice. Tom, however, looked up slowly...as if he were afraid of what he would find.

"Y-Y/N?" Paddy asked warily. "You're a ghost?"

"Yep! Sure am," I laughed softly.

"Then, how can we see you?" Sam asked.

"Before I died I had enough power for just a few more spells. Two of them were for making Tom and I visible and audible to the world and the other..." I broke off suddenly and looked down at Tom, who was picking himself warily up off the floor. He moved over to me slowly, as if him coming too close would shatter me. "The other was for breaking your curse, Tom. You're free."

"You...you did what?" Tom asked, his voice wavering. His eyes were streaming still, unable to believe I was in front of him.

"I set you free, Tom." I brushed some floating hair behind my ear. "And now you can touch whoever you like, too." Tom's eyes filled with tears once again. He turned to his brothers and the four shared one blissful group hug. Each released the others with tear tracks on his cheeks.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that," Tom sobbed. The other boys muttered their "I love you's" and such. Lord and Lady Holland stalked slowly over.

"Tom? It's really you?" Nicola asked tearfully. Tom nodded, wrapping her in a tight embrace. He did the same for his father. "Paddy, I think I owe you an apology," Mrs. Holland told her youngest son.

"That's alright, Mum. You didn't' know."

"Y/N, I do believe I owe you an apology as well," she told me. "You are...or were...truly the most wonderful governess we have ever had and you will be deeply missed." She said everything like she wasn't sure what she meant by it all. I, however, smiled at her kindly.

"That's quite alright, ma'am. And, if you'd have me, I'd like to visit sometimes. I could be here whenever you need me." Then, I turned to Tom. "I heard what you said, by the way," I told him quietly.

"Oh," he replied, his cheeks turning red. "I'm sor..." he started.

"Don't be." I shook my head softly, stepping closer to him. "I love you too." Then, Tom reached out to touch me...as if he would break me...as if he wasn't sure if he could manage it.


My hand touched the soft skin of her cheek. I let out the breath I'd been holding. I felt like I had everything I'd ever wanted. She smelled like roses. Her skin was like satin. She was absolutely perfect.

"I've been wanting to do that for forever, you know," I whispered so that only she could hear me.

"Me too," she replied, leaning in. I felt her breath fan my face and then electric sparks go off inside my heart as she drew nearer. All of a sudden, we were kissing. The feeling was soft and warm and utterly blissful. I felt everything all at once. Perfect. Perfect.

When we pulled away, I looked into her eyes. There was so much affection there, it made my stomach flip a little. She was mine. I was hers.

"About time!" Paddy whooped. He began applauding. The whole room began applauding...like we were in some stage play. Y/N and I both went red. But we knew it was time to go.


My heart was still racing from the kiss, but it sank when I realized what we were leaving...the only family I'd ever known. Tom was making the rounds...hugging and kissing his family, telling them how much he loved them. I said goodbye to Sam and Harry, kissing them each on top of their heads and thanking them for a lovely time. I shook hands with Lord and Lady Holland. Finally, there was Paddy. He was standing there with such a look of pure sadness on his face that I wasn't sure I could handle it.

"I'll come back, you know," I managed through my stinging throat.

"You're the best friend I ever had," he wept, wrapping his arms around my waist. Smiling, I returned his embrace, then crouched to his level.

"Me too. I promise you I'll visit. I'll tuck you in every night if you want me to. Tom and I will come together."

"I'd like that," he sniffed.

Once we'd said our goodbyes, Tom and I stood in the middle of the entrance hall, grasping each other's hands. "Ready?" he asked me.

"As long as I'm with you," I replied. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and, together, we rose into the light.


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