15. Confession

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Tom and I gathered the boys in the library away from any prying ears and shut the doors to the staff. The three living Holland boys were squished together on the leather couch and I sat in front of them on one of the easychairs, Tom on the armrest.

"Hi, Tom!" Paddy greeted, waving at his eldest brother. Tom waved back.

"Hey, Pad! I haven't seen you in a while." Tom smiled at Paddy sweetly. The way he looked at his younger brothers made my heart melt just a little. I thought achingly of Benjy.

"So, you're really there?" Sam asked shakily. Paddy and I nodded. Tom waved.

"He's waving at you," Paddy chuckled. Sam and Harry's eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry we were so terrible to you," Sam told Paddy.

"It's okay. You just didn't know." Paddy leaned in to group-hug the twins and I thought I noticed a glimmer of a ghastly tear on Tom's face, but he blinked it away before I could be sure.

"Tom and I have to tell you something," I said at last. "And it might be hard to hear."

"Are you sure about this, Y/N?" Tom whispered to me.

"Yes, Tom, they deserve to know," I whispered back. Sam and Harry exchanged confused glances. Paddy asked what we meant.

"Tom didn't fall off the balcony, he was pushed. It was murder," I explained. They boys' mouths fell open.

"But they said..."

"The autopsy..."

"I know, but it's true," I said sympathetically.

"How?" Harry asked. "Another ghost?"

"No. A witch. Ever heard of Apathy Hardstrune?" I looked over at Tom. He was making himself very busy with his fingernails.

"You mean that old biddy Dad's always grumbling about?" Sam clarified. I nodded.

"She's a centuries-old dark witch and Tom figured out her secret, so she tied up the loose ends and killed him. She cursed him to remain a spectre forever, even if he had no unfinished business."

"Why didn't you say anything, Tom?" Paddy asked his brother weakly. Tom forced himself to look up at the young boy.

"I didn't want to scare you. Or put you in any more danger than you were already in." I could tell he wasn't proud of it.

"Danger? What do you mean, 'danger'?" Paddy asked alarmedly. Sam and Harry sat up straight.

"What?" they questioned simultaniously, having obviously not heard Tom and Paddy's conversation. Tom looked at me desperately for help.

"Apathy also said that she was coming back in a year to destroy the rest of you," I breathed. There was silence for a good long while.

"That's...that's tomorrow," Sam speculated. I nodded somberly.

"But, we're going to destroy her first. Once and for all. She gave me her power and she doesn't know it, so we have the advantage." My words didn't seem to relieve the tension in the room at all. The only thing hearable were a few gulps. "Don't worry, boys. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise on my life."


I found Y/N in her room that night, sitting on her bed and bouncing her left knee nervously. She was weeping silently.

"Hey." I made myself known gently. She quickly wiped her eyes and smiled a fake smile at me.


"Y/N, we're friends. You don't have to do that," I told her, sitting next to her on the bed. She shrugged. I hated seeing her cry. More than anything, I wanted to hug her, let her soak my shirt through with her tears just so she knew someone cared. After what she'd told me about her childhood, I don't think she ever knew anyone did. Her parents tried to lock her in an asylum when they found out about her gift. But I was dead. And she was very...very much alive.

"What's wrong?" I urged. "If this is about, Apathy, don't worry. I believe in you. You'll make sure she..."

"It's not about that," Y/N replied. She drew in a shaky breath before continuing. "I'm a monster. I'm a murderer and a monster. How could I have...? Oh, poor Benjy," She wailed. I frowned. I'd overheard her confession at the dinner table the other night, but I'd left it alone. The last thing I wanted was to make her feel worse.

"You're not a monster, Y/N. What happened was an accident. You couldn't have known."

"But it was my fault to begin with! I'll never forgive myself. Just...you and your brothers. You love each other so much and I..."

"Y/N, have you ever talked to Benjamin?"

"Yes, why?"

"Because I am nearly certain he wouldn't want you to feel this way. If the two of you were as close as you say you were, I think he would fogive you. And want you to forgive yourself."

"I know he does...he's told me. But that only makes me feel worse. I just can't believe...the only person who ever loved me!" She wailed into her pillow again and I sat there feeling completely helpless.

"Y/N, you don't even know how wonderful you are. You are so kind and smart and special...somebody should tell you more often. They should say so. They should...somebody ought to kiss you!" I told her. Then, I flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry. I...that was out of line."

"No, no, really. I needed that. Thank you, Tom." And then she smiled. I loved that smile.

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