10. Freakish

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I didn't know what was wrong with me. When I, at last, went to sleep, I dreamt of nothing but being locked in a blackness. Every once in a while, a photograph of the shattered lamp flashed into my view, but it would be gone again in an instant and I really wasn't sure what to do. Once I even dreamed of the lamp actually falling over. I woke up screaming for Tom at the top of my lungs (probably dangerous...someone could've heard me), but when he popped into view at the foot of my bed, I couldn't remember what I needed.

The morning of the third, I didn't leave my room for breakfast, no matter how hungry I might have been. I didn't go to work either...I was going to lose my job anyway. It didn't matter.

It was noon when I left my bed to take a shower and dress myself. Once I was decent, I called Tom in to ask him about our witchhunt. He sat on the edge of my bed.

"Are you sure you're alright, Y/N? You seemed petrified last night."

"Yes? I mean...I think so. I do remember being scared, but I don't remember why. Anyway, that's beside the point now. We only have three days left and we still don't have a witch. You were out looking all day yesterday, too. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know," Tom replied dejectedly. "I guess we'll just have to keep tryi--" he was cut off by a loud ruccus outside my bedroom door. We made our way over to the doorway and stood there, watching what went on outside.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?" Paddy screamed at his older brothers.

"What? Tell her the truth? She is a freak and she knows it!" Sam snapped back.

"Just like you," Harry shouted. Tears welled up in my eyes as memories came flooding back. None of the boys had noticed I was there, but I looked over at Tom, who was trying desperately to rest his hand comfortingly on my shoulder.

"You CAN'T SAY THAT!" Paddy hissed, more furious than I'd ever seen him. "She's the best governess we've ever had and neither of us are freaks, okay? We just see things differently than you!"

"Well kiss her goodbye, because the second Mum and Dad get home, she's sacked, right?"

"You are the most closed-minded thickheads I have ever met! What happened to my older brothers?! I HATE YOU! I hate BOTH OF YOU! I hate that we moved to this place, I hate this house, I hate that Tom's dead, and I HATE YOU!"

The noise slowly started to build up inside my head. My ears began ringing. Tears spilled over my cheeks. "stop," I whispered weakly.

"You are kind of being hard on each other," Harry interjected.


"Boys, stop it," I said a little louder. The noise continued to rise inside the hollowness of my head and the ringing in my ears intensified. It was all too much. I began hyperventilating, pulling at my hair like some madwoman.

"DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE? WE ARE BROTHERS, GODDAMNIT! STOP FIGHTING!" The argument went on for what seemed like hours, but I was too far gone to hear much of it clearly. Then, I cracked.

"STOP IT!" I barked for the sake of my sanity. The boys, only just noticing I was watching them, turned to look at me in utter surprise. Then, an earthquake broke out...something that almost never happens in Ireland. The whole house shook madly. Things began falling off the shelves, tipping over. Everyone's eyes were glued to me and mine were wide with horror. Was that me?

"Y/N," Tom whispered to me. "Y/N, what's doing this?" He asked me almost like he already knew.

"I think it's me," I answered weakly. The boys, thinking I was talking to them (all except for Paddy), looked at me flabbergastedly.

"Calm down," Tom soothed. "It's okay, calm down." I took a few deep breaths in response and the tremor slowed to a stop. The boys looked at me in complete confusion.

"Come on, guys," Sam urged softly. He guided Paddy by the back down the hallway and out of sight. Harry followed.

"Wait, guys! I can explain," I called after them, even though I really couldn't. Helplessly, I turned back to Tom. He was looking at me with utter and sheer shock. Suddenly, his face split into a grin. It was wonderful to see him smile...it almost gave me butterflies.

"What?" I asked. I was more embarrassed than anything. I studied my hands closely, in denial and disbelief of the damage they could do. I was a freak. I was a freak. I was a freak. I looked back up at Tom and, despite the complete weirdness of it all, he was still smiling. In fact, he let out a relieved and almost hysterical "HA!"

"What? Tom, what is it?" I was getting frustrated. How did he see anything good that came out of this?

"I think we found our witch."

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