5. Night and Day

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A/N: This next chapter might be just a little bit boring since...you know...story development...but I promise it'll get more interesting.

That night, my dreams were haunted by a young woman with red hair. I didn't think much of it, except for the fact that it creeped me out more than I was willing to admit.

The next few days held the development of my daily routine. By day, I would spend my time talking with Paddy and playing games (how foolish his mother had been to ask me to fix him of all people...granted, she didn't know...) or teaching Sam and Harry their lessons. At night, I met with Tom either in the entertainment room or in the library. Those were his two favorite spots, outside of Paddy's room, which he frequently visited when his little brother and I were together.

On my fifth day there, the heads of the Holland household left for a business trip. It was October first. I had just put Paddy to bed and helped Sam and Harry finish their reading, then made myself ready for bed and went down to the frigid library to meet Tom.

When I arrived, the room was even colder than usual. I suspected it was because of...well...the ghost. I poked the fire and sat down on the couch there, waiting for Tom to notice I had arrived. He was so deep in thought that he didn't know I'd entered the room. In fact, he looked positively sick to his stomach. Finally, I gave up. "What's on your mind?" I asked. Tom jumped. That was ironic...a human scaring a ghost.

"I...nothing. I don't want to bother you with it," he told me. I gave him a look.

"Come on. We're friends, aren't we? You can tell me anything." I scooted closer to the edge of the couch so that I was nearer to him, sitting across the coffee table from me in an easychair.

"Promise not to tell Paddy," Tom sighed.

"I promise on my life."

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