Ironhide gets jostled around by the Decepticon holding him in a choke hold, Raven watches as the one powers up its gun. The end starts glowing orange. "Not on my watch." Raven glares at the Decepticons. She quickly lights herself on fire, the flames licking at the air as she flies as fast as she can towards Ironhide; Raven has a plan but doesn't know if she burns hot enough to actually execute it. Raven tilts sideways so she's horizontal to the ground.

Please work, please work. Raven pleads. Her burning wing comes in contact with the Decepticons arm just as the gun fires, her wing rips through the metal, slicing the gun off the Decepticons arm. The bots vocal processor goes crazy with swear words and yells but all Raven can focus on is the cloud of smoke left behind where Ironhide was sitting. "Ironhide!" Raven yells out of desperation as she lands and comes running into the smoke, jumping over chunks of concrete and debris.

"Thank Primus you showed up when you did." Ironhide says through the smoke.

"Oh, thank god." Raven holds a hand over her chest and sighs. "I thought he had shot you."

"Shot his comrade instead... idiot, who shoots his own? Besides your not getting rid of me that easily."
Ironhide looks up to the Decepticon whose left behind. An explosion shakes the ground, along with a booming voice. Raven looks over her shoulder to see Megatron coming down one of the streets, breaking buildings as he passes through.

"Shit just got real." Ironhide says.

"Ya think!?" Raven retorts back. "Ironhide, you can't fight him by yourself. You need help."

"You're help."

"I have to find Leo, he has the All Spark. I have no idea where he's gone."

"Well then why are you standing around here!"

"Just please, don't die."

Ironhide nods but just as Raven turns her back to leave Ironhide calls out to her. "Wait! Take this." He hands Raven a small metal sword in a makeshift metal casing that has the pattern of the Autobots ship and All Spark on it. The strap is perfect for her body and uses her wings to secure it to her back. Raven pulls out the sword, it has the transformers sign at the base of the blade. "Where did you get this."

"Made it one night at the campfire. I used some special metals from the Autobot ship that I kept. It is specially designed for you, it can handle almost anything. Even extreme heat."

"Thank you."

"I thought it was time you became a proper warrior, with everything you've done for this planet. Now go find the All Spark!"

Raven quickly throws the it over her back, the Autobot technology kicks in and the straps click in around her wings, two pieces of metal wrap around the spot where her wings meet her back. She runs backwards watching as Ironhide shoots down more Decepticons before she takes off to the sky to go find Leo.

Some time later Raven lands in an alleyway, she peeks around the corner to see a Decepticon looking around with his gun pointed, shooting rather aimlessly as people who are running past Raven screaming. She puts her hand over her head to grab her newly wielded sword. She pulls the double edged device out of its sheathe. "Time to see what this thing can do." She runs out from the alleyway while the Decepticon is looking the other way, she heats up her hand, the heat travels into the sword as it starts glowing red and orange, Raven half expects it to deform when she hits it to anything. Raven swings it at the Decepticons leg, it slices the metal armour seamlessly and the Decepticon screams in pain. Raven quickly takes to the sky as she finds a gun pointed at her. The robot is bigger than her, stronger, but she's more agile, faster. Raven goes again, slicing this time at the neck, something red comes spitting out and some of it hits her, staining her arms and face.

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