Chapter 1

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August 15th, 1995


The sun shined brightly upon the country with vibrant tones of orange and yellow almost looking like lemons and tangerines in the sky. Flowers began to bloom and birds began to sing tunes, waking Salem and its small ordinary neighbourhood with a fresh new day, including Wilson. Wilson Brown was your average adolescent teenager. He had long and messy brown hair that would mostly cover his forehead and would curl over his ears. He had dark brown eyes and a noticeable mole on his left cheek. Though Wilson was ordinary, he was born with an odd birthmark on his lower neck that looked like the number eleven. He was given to his uncle and aunt when he was just 2 years old, and he was found at the home's front porch In a small rattan basket, crying in the cold November rain. Ever since then, Wilson had lived in the attic of his uncle's home and stayed there for the majority of his normal life. Wilson didn't know much about his parents, even him thinking about them gives him hazy memories, memories that were supposed to be erased and forgotten. But one thing he does know for sure is their names; 'Benjamin and Abigail Brown'.

Last month, Wilson finally finished 8th grade at West Island Middle school which was located down his road next to 'Breader mix' (a small local bakery). At school Wilson has a reputation for being an above average student compared to his classmates. But sadly being the smartest made everyone envious of him. None of his peers took interest and neither does his subject teachers. Calling him names like an 'itchworm' and a 'know-it-all'. Just when you thought things could get worse for Wilson, years went by in West Island Middle School and even Mr Williams, the school's headmaster wanted him out. He didn't know why his entire school held grudges on him, but he didn't have a problem with not having friends. Though times get hard for him, he got to the point where he needed someone, someone to talk too. So he befriended a scrawny stray feline who would always follow him on his way home. He kept in mind that it was weird and unusual to talk to a cat, but it was nice to let out what kept him in his thoughts.


Wilson woke up to loud knocking coming from his door. He slowly got up from his bed, yawning and stretching and slowly making his way towards the noise. He opened it and was then greeted by his ol' uncle Jim.

"Happy wonderful 15th Birthday Will!" Uncle Jim greeted with a smile on his face. Wilson realised that uncle Jim looked brighter than usual, his hair was gelled to the side and it looked like he finally used the face wash he gifted him for Christmas, he was also holding a box of cake and a small neatly wrapped present.

"Thanks uncle Jim!" Wilson replied with as much enthusiasm.

"Well? What are you waiting for, get ready! I need to show you something."

Uncle Jim turned away and went downstairs to wait for Wilson. Wilson closed his door after his uncle walked out and jumped around in excitement, smiling at the fact that it was finally his 15th birthday. He went into his bathroom and got ready for the day, later on he ran downstairs to the living room with excitement. Wilson went towards the living room where uncle Jim was sitting at the couch, Wilson sat on the far end and was still wondering what surprise uncle Jim had in store for him.

"Wilson. Hear me out alright?" Uncle Jim said holding up a serious face, "I'm glad to have raised you ever since you were a child. but never forget, if your parents were here in this room, they would be so proud of how big you've grown." He looked straight at Wilson and opened his arms, letting Wilson hug him tightly. Every time uncle Jim mentions anything about Wilson's parents, Wilson would get emotional and frustrated. "You shouldn't get too emotional there buddy. Your parents left you this present and you should start opening it."

Wilson slowly looked up at Uncle Jim and back at the present leaving a very puzzled look on his face.

"Uncle Jim. Where did you get it?" Wilson asked.

"You see Wilson. When your parents went — you know — missing. Every year mysterious presents would appear on my porch on this very day" replied his uncle,"but one day it all stopped!"

The uncle ended his statement with a tone in his voice leaving Wilson in a very saddened state. Awkwardness filled the living room and uncle Jim let out a long sigh, later on breaking the uncomfortable silence for both of them. "Anyways! We shouldn't be sad on your birthday Will, now come on! Start unwrapping the present!"

Uncle Jim got a little impatient and gave it to him. He began to rip the present, gently unwrapping and slowing revealing a box and an envelope attached to it with a small piece of tape. There was a message on the back of the envelope which had the words: 'For Will'.

"I think you should open the envelope first," his uncle advised. Wilson slowly opened the envelope, trying not to rip anything inside. When he opened the envelope he found 2 letters, One of them had the words 'read first' so her read it aloud for uncle Jim to hear:

Dear My dearest love, Wilson
Happy 16th Birthday my son.
Me and your father would give up anything to be there with you,
But our responsibilities are holding us back.
Please take care of yourself and your uncle and please stay safe.
Always keep in mind that Me and your father will always love you even when days go dark.
Now don't be sad when you don't see us because you should open the box we left for you, Your father knows you'd love it. You'll have a blast.
Love Mom and Dad x

Wilson had a sight full of excitement showing through his eyes, uncle Jim was astounded by his excitement. "Beautiful. It was really them who left the presents" he lowered his voice to a whisper, "Now open the box! I can't wait!"

Wilson put down the letter on the arm rest and got busy with the small purple box. It had a red bow ribbon wrapped around the top with a small bell attached to it. Wilson slowly stroked the box, taking in the material and texture, which was indeed velvet. He slowly opened the box and examined what surprises were inside. It was a ring with a single green gemstone carved like an infinity with small symbols that he couldn't identify, The ring itself had a classy pattern on it and was most likely made with platinum due to its heavy weight.

"Jeez that's one nice ring" Wilson whispered to himself, still taking in the shimmery gem. Out of nowhere, a faint voice whispered into his ear.

Wear it.

He picked the ring up from the box and examined whether or not it would fit his finger, which to his demise looked to be too big for him. He hoped for a miracle and slowly slipped the ring on his left ring finger, knowing that it was too big for him. The ring straight away made a click noise and adjusted itself onto his ring finger with a tight grip. Wilson and Uncle Jim looked at each other with stunned and widened eyes, they looked back at the shimmery ring and wowed at everything that was happening.

Out of nowhere, just when Wilson thought the ring was out of this world. A strong dark energy surrounded him, spinning in circles and making him dizzy. Everything, from the walls surrounding him and the presents around him disappeared and turned blank. He couldn't see his surroundings, nor can he feel the couch he was sitting on. He also couldn't see or feel the presence of Uncle Jim, It was like he was in an empty dark room, alone. Something then tickled the back of his neck, something unusual.

A cold and boney hand with long nails gently caressing his neck with a sudden tight grip, which then began to choke him. With nails digging into his skin, the poor boy began to panic and breathing was hard too steady. Wilson couldn't handle the pressure and the stinging sensation he was feeling on his neck, the nails dug deeper and deeper into his soft skin, making marks. He began to shout in an attempt to call out for help.




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