Chapter 2: Leaving The Nest

Start from the beginning

"Oh, sorry well when you guys get here I could take you both out as an apology. Also, about that I was asking your cousin if she wanted me to pick you guys up. I wouldn't mind helping you with your luggage and so you two wouldn't have to get a Lyft or Uber to the apartments. Save you guys some money, you know?" He asked her as she took a seat by me on my bed.

"Well, shoot you don't have to ask me twice that's for sure. Hecky yeah you can come help us with these heavy bags. I'm not going to refuse you from being a gentleman. You didn't give off crazy kidnapper vibes when we met you, so I don't see the worry." She said making him laugh.

"Okay, well I'll be there at 4:00 What time ya'll leaving out?"

"What time my phone say?" I questioned Rayona, as I unsuccessfully tried to snatch my phone back.

"It's 11:30."

"Well, we probably head out at 12:30 give us a moment to go get our stuff in and eat something before the flight." I said getting and trying to close one of my suitcases.

"Okay, cool well I'll let ya'll finish getting ready." Elijah said to us.

"Wait you up early, than I just noticed that. How long you been up?" Rayona asked Elijah.

"Since, like 8:00 I'm not even a real early bird just my sleep schedule never got right when I moved here from Cleveland. My body still on ya'll time. I'm working on it though. But, I'm gonna let ya'll finish getting ready I'll see ya'll later." He said before getting off the phone.

"You like him don't you?" Rayona said to me smiling.

"Girl, I barely know him to be talking about if I like him or not." I said honestly, I didn't. One the reasons I wanted to see if Rayona even wanted to get in the car with him. I wasn't all the way sure. I mean I didn't think he would hurt us. We spent a good time with him when we were out there, so I knew he was cool.

"Girl, bye. Ya'll talk and text ever single day." She was right, since we left California a few weeks ago, we've been having constant communication. But at most of anything I looked at him as a friend rather he was attractive or not.

"Yeah, but I still don't know him know him. Like in person, we hung out like 3 times when we were out there. That could've just been a show and anyone can be anyone over the phone." I was being honest, I didn't get a bad vibe from him at all. Yet what I was saying still wasn't wrong.

"Girl, you a mess. Sometimes I wonder how we are related." She said pretending to wave me off.


As we were coming out of the terminal to get our luggage; I saw Elijah standing there waiting for us. He was standing there holding a sign with Rayona and my name on it. He was holding it as he stood in the line with the professional drivers. I was trying my hardest not to bust out laughing inside of LAX. Dude was really blending in with them, he even dressed up for the occasion.

"Elijah, what is wrong with you?" I questioned laughing and quickly pulled out of the crowd and walked up closer to him.

"Wanted to make sure you two started your first day here with a smile, you know?" She said shrugging.

"Well, thank you Elijah." Rayona said as she tried her hardest to hold in her full amount of laughter.

"You're welcome, now give me a hug girl." He said as he extended his arms for her to do so.

"You too, Zamya run me that hug too." He said to me as I did as told hugging him. It was a nice hug and he felt really warm. He had good a presence, which made me realize why we even clicked so easily. Now, I was getting the moment to truly remember that.

"So, you guys got your stuff?" He asked as I let go from the hug.

"Nah, we saw you first as we just about to go looking for it. So, like you can help us pick up them big ole things that's for sure." Rayona laughed, but she was completely serious. She was truly the out spoken one of the two of us.

"Okay, cool I ain't got no problem with that." Elijah said walking over towards the baggage claim.

We were now currently back at our apartment. We were putting up some of the things we were able to get in our luggage.

"Is this paper towel and tissue?" Elijah said as he offered to help us unpacked.

I was shocked myself dude was a freaking sweetheart in every way. I almost wanted to be like my man's what is you hiding. Picked us from the airport, took us to Target to get some stuff we needed for the apartment. As well taking as out to get some take out. I found it hard to believe that was dude our age and was so mature and respectful. Also just in utter shock of how for real nice he is. I mean knew we had be talking for the past 3-4 weeks, prior to today; but like still.

Because we didn't ask him to take us to Target. He asked us what we were planning on getting into after packing and he just took us. Even when we were trying to tell him he did enough.

But it just seemed weird or maybe it was my anxiety getting to me. The fact that a guy wanted to be nice to two girls without anything in return. And I mean this nice at that, like dude did a lot for us today. I'm not saying guys can't be this nice, but so quickly? With last than a month of knowing someone was insane to me. I was also super sheltered as well. So, it was just crazy seeing someone outside my family be so generous and caring so quickly.

Like it hasn't even been a full month yet of knowing each other. So it was just unreal that he was just a good dude off back, just like that.

"You want me to put this up for ya'll?" Elijah question as he took our airwick out of one our Target bags.

"Nah, you don't have to do that Elijah. You did above and beyond for us today. I'm sure you're tired, it what 8:00 now? When it's really on your body 11:00 now, like for us. Nah, go get some rest. We appreciate the help, but dude settle down." I said trying to take the airwick from his hand.

"I'm good, I promise for real though. I like ya'll company. I don't really know nobody out here and ya'll were the first people I clicked with almost immediately and I been here almost 2 years now in Cali. Ya'll the first people I got to talk and get to know since I haven't been crazy busy. When I first moved here I was working like 3 jobs, than I started doing this and trading Forex and stuff and now I've been able to sit down. I appreciate just shoot having a friend, but I got two now." He said sincerely, as he sat down at our dinning room table.

"Okay, you feel that way come on and finish helping us, than. I however wasn't saying anything anyway. I ain't passing down no free help." Rayona said butting into the conversation between us two.

"Well, alright." I said throwing my hands up in surrender.

This was for real unusual, but as time goes on I'll see if he for real. I'm not doubting his attentions are good or anything. I'm just not sure if these I don't want nothing in return type of feelings. I might have been sheltered but a girl was indeed far from being naive.

The Second Chapter On The Degree Of Mixed Emotions!

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