'Hello.' I answered.

'Hey.' He said with a smile in his voice evident. 'Where are you?' He wondered.

'I just nipped outside of the shoot to answer.' I lied. 'But I need to get back inside.'

'Grace I really miss you.' He said causing me to almost spoil the surprise. Anne looked towards me with sorrow eyes.

'I miss you too but I'll see you soon.' I tried to reassure him. 'Where are you anyway?' I tried to change the subject.

'I think we're like twenty minutes or so from Birmingham.' He said after a small pause.

'Oh is the Birmingham show tonight?' I pretended to be clueless.

'Tomorrow.' He sighed.

'Jazz is calling me, I'll talk to you later babe okay?' I lied once again to him.

'Yeah see ya.' He hung up before we even said I love you which kind of hurt me but I let it slide knowing he was upset.

'You're good at lying.' Anne chuckled from beside me.

'I hate lying to him.' I groaned.

'He'll be appreciative of it when he gets home, don't worry love.' Her hand reached for my hand to give it a gently squeeze.

The whole Simpson family were so caring and comforting; it was quite clear to see where Brad got his affection from.

Within a few minutes we pulled up at the family home, Anne insisted on grabbing my suitcase for me and pulling it into the house.

As soon as I entered the living room Jesse came dashing towards me.

'Hello gorgeous girl.' I cooed as I embraced her and petted her long coat.

'Brad would be so jealous right now.' Derek chuckled as he entered the living room.

Derek made Anne and I a cup of tea as we caught up in the living room before he left to collect Brad.

'I feel nervous.' I laughed as Brad sent Anne a message to say they called to a shop which was 5 minutes away from their home.

'I can't wait to see his reaction.' She clapped her hands excitedly.

We came up with a plan for when he came in and just then Derek's car pulled up in the drive.

I listened as Anne greeted her son and Jesse barked excitedly at him before she led him through the hall, passing the door from the hall into the living room and instead bringing him into the kitchen.

'Now we got you something in the living room.' Anne told him as I heard his feet trail along the kitchen floor, towards the door into the living room.

He opened the living room door and his mouth turned upwards to a large smile before he darted towards me.

His arms went around me with his face in the crook of my neck as he lifted me off of the floor.

'What? How?' He asked as he pulled his face away to face me, it was now that I found the water welling in his eyes.

I giggled at him as I pushed his curls off of his face and wiped the tears that had fallen, he had dark bags under his eyes but they still glistened.

Talk Later- BWSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن