Seungcheol will wait until Jeonghan finally fixed himself, even if it takes a long time he will always wait.

Jeonghan lied back to bed, reminiscing the time where he almost took his own life. He remembered someone who stopped him, he remembered his warmth. Jeonghan remembered everything except for that stranger's face. The thought of that moment made Jeonghan annoyed, why couldn't he remember that guy?

"stupid brain" Jeonghan muttered, luckily he had plenty of time to fix and make himself pretty. Good thing Jisoo bought a new set of make up and Jeonghan was free to use them.

Who am i dressing up for? Jeonghan thought to himself. Did he wanted to look pretty in Seungcheol's eyes? He was confused but he never let his thoughts drown him down.

He quickly fixed himself, it was almost 7:30 when he finally finished tidying up. Always making sure that he locked their apartment and of course, the spare key incase Jisoo was still not yet home. He wanted to use the car, but he doesn't have enough gas money so he just decided to take the bus and save energy. What an eco friendly person Jeonghan thought.

When Jeonghan got on the bus, his phone chimed and he bet it was Seungcheol.

Strawberry Milk

Cheolie: hey
Cheolie: class is almost done
Cheolie: meet u there in 20 minutes

Hannie: okay, listen in class well lol.
Hannie: i'm taking the bus, probably i'll arrive around 8:10
Hannie: there's traffic

Cheolie: no worries
Cheolie: i'll always wait.

Jeonghan smiled looking at his phone. The sun shone but the heat was tolerable and it lit up Jeonghan's face, moving his hair back using his right palm. Why did he agree to Seungcheol right away? Was he already whipped for him? Jeonghan kept asking himself.

Jeonghan looked at his watch, it was already 7:50 am and in just a few minutes Seungcheol's class will end. He was still far away from the said meeting place and he was contemplating whether to wait or to run for his life.

Back then, Jeonghan didn't give a damn whether he was late or not. He didn't care a single thing in the world since that incident happen. Jisoo was there, he was always there for Jeonghan. He wanted to change just this little thing for his friend, he wanted to be on time. On time for everything.

"i gotta run." Jeonghan whispered, he pressed the red button making the driver open the bus doors. It was already 8 am, and he was running late. Luckily he was pretty close from the store, he ran and ran until he couldn't feel his legs anymore.

Jeonghan was already sweating, and he was worried that it would ruin his make-up. He only dabbed a little bit of foundation on his face to cover the unwanted lines. An eyeliner that would make his eyes look bigger and would make him look 5x hotter. Lastly, a cherry tint to color up his pale lips.

When he arrived at the store, he saw Seungcheol patiently waiting for him. He wore a black skinny jeans and white shirt, Jeonghan reminded him of Prince Eric from the little mermaid.

He's hot Jeonghan thought.

Seungcheol looked at him worriedly "Jeonghan, are you okay?" Seungcheol asked rubbing comforting circles in Jeonghan's back.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting." Jeonghan said, still trying to catch his breath. He wiped his sweat with the handkerchief Seungcheol gave him, now Jeonghan's makeup is shit.

"It's okay, I knew you'd come." Seungcheol assured him with a smile. Jeonghan thought that smile meant something else, he wanted to ignore it. Eventually, Jeonghan smiled back. The next thing he knew he was inside Seungcheol's car, making their way to svt cafe.

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