Part 3

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          With out thinking I deepen the kiss leaning so far into him his head hits the headboard with a soft thumb. He starts nibbling on my lips while his hands begin to remove my blazer as he starts moving his hands up my blouse I stop him

He looks up at me with a glint of what looked like a feeling of betrayal
"Mari" I whispered " We can't do this. Not right now at least okay?"
He slowly nodds  while I plant a slow kiss on his forehead satisfied by the little sign he lets out
As I get off of my bed I feel a strong grip on my arm
I turn to see his green eyes staring at me intensely
"Stay" I look at him trying to disifer his question
"Please" I lie next to him still in my blazer mind you I pull his head back in to my chest so he's laying on my breast and I can feel him tapping his finger to what I believe is the rythem of my heart beat I brush his hair back til I feel his body go limp
    Getting up I quickly change in to my nightgown (my most modest one obviously) trying my hardest to get there before he realizes I'm gone.
Right when I hit the bed, I feel a strong arm snake around my waist I am out cold it's been a long day.


       As  I wake up I get an instant headache  from remembering all of yesterday's events.
It just keeps running through my head the anonymous message the address to MY own warehouse I don't understand there's a mole and when I find them they will wish they were never pushed out of a vagina scratch that they were never squirted into a vagina
   I get taken out of my trans as I hear the softest coos turning to see her my bestfriend the second strongest person I know and the almost robot I've been in love with for the past 5 years I look at her as I get smacked in the face by the memory of the sensual kiss we shared god her lips felt like clay being molded specifically to my mouth and my mouth only.

There only one thing  we'll make that two things she doesn't know 1.Im in love with her and 2. Her father signed a contract saying that his daughter would marry my fathers first born son *cough *cough me  It was supposed to happen when I became Don but right now she is a better assist to the team then she would be as a house wife.
  at the moment and I don't want to force her into anything because though she was born too a high-Class mafia persona she wasn't treated like that infact she grew up in Bronx living at foster homes til she ran away at 14 and found my dad well he found her but that's a story for another time all I know is she is One tough women and lucky for us both that's what I admire most about her . But right now Is not that time if anyone knows who makes me weak they will take her and I know she can handle herself but there is noway I am risking the Donnas life

(Sooo how do you like it so far I'm really liking it myself let me know if you have any suggestions also please keep in mind Spanish is my first language do I may end up making mistakes but other then that love you guys!❤️)

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