Water you doing?

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Summary: Someone has pranked Katara, and she isn't letting these prankers get off easy.


It's a beautiful and peaceful afternoon in a small Earth Kingdom village. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and—wait. How is Katara soaking wet? There's barely a cloud in the sky. Everyone in the area looked just as surprised as she was. It seemed Katara's lovely day of strolling through the village to buy supplies for the team stopped being so lovely, but how? She waterbended her clothes dry then began looking around for any sort of clues that led to this. Maybe a waterbender? A leaking pipe that suddenly burst open?

There has to be something or someone that did this, Katara thought.

After a few minutes of searching to no avail, she left to go back to the rest of the team hiding out in the woods. She was first greeted by Sokka.

"Hey, Katara, did you buy those meat skewers I asked for?" he asked while jumping around excitedly with a smile on his face.

"No, Sokka. Sorry, but my shopping got cut off," said Katara.

He gasped. "What happened? What cruel monster could do such a cruel thing to cruelly stop my dear sister from buying me meat skewers on this cruel day? Oh, the cruelty that I have faced is far too much."

"You're overacting again, besides it's just one day without meat. It won't kill you."

"That's what you think. Anyways, why did your shopping get cut off?"

Katara explained the events of what had happened to her earlier. After explaining, she had a sudden pause and started looking around.

"Hold on. Where's Aang and Toph?" she asked.

"I think they're off training or something. I didn't really get to ask them 'cause they seemed to be in a hurry for whatever reason."

And as if on cue, Aang and Toph started approaching the two Water Tribe siblings.

"Hey, Katara! You're back early!" Toph shouted at them.

"Nice to see you're back safe." Aang noticed Katara looking a bit ticked off. "What's the problem? You don't seem too happy."

"Well, you see, today I somehow got soaked with water by someone and I just can't let it go," Katara replied.

"Wait, earlier you said someone or something," said Sokka.

"Pffft. Ironic, isn't it? A waterbender who can't handle getting splashed with water," Toph teased.

"That's like saying you're fine getting hit with a boulder or Zuko is—well, umm... his scar," said Katara.

"Ok true, but it's water. Wa-ter. W-A-T-E-R. Do you really need me to spell it out for you?"

"You wanna go, huh? Think you're so tough... Toph?"

"Tuff-tuff," Aang said, which prompted a few snickers from Sokka.

Before either one of them could land a punch on each other, Aang had already stepped in between them in order stop the fight and prevent the two benders from hurting each other or themselves.

"Guys, please. Fighting won't solve anything."

"That's what you always say, Twinkletoes," Toph said.

"Katara, are you ok? That water thing must be quite a big deal to ya," said Sokka.

"I'm fine. It's just that someone could get sick if whoever doing this keeps splashing other people and I don't think the person playing this prank can see that. Others aren't as lucky to just be able to dry themselves as quickly as me," Katara replied.

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