Boomerang Buddies

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Summary: Sokka decides to teach Toph the forgotten arts of boomerangbending, but Toph learns a little something else as well.


"Don't worry guys we'll be back by sunset," said Katara.

"Besides, if anything happens we're just a couple minutes away on foot," Aang added.

Aang and Katara have been planning on training their waterbending techniques together for a while now, although those plans have been put at a halt in favor of Aang mastering earthbending with Toph. When they finally saw the opportunity with a small lake nearby, they just couldn't pass it down any longer.

"Are you sure you two don't want to come with us? You could wash off a bit of that stinky smell you got on, Sokka." 

"No, no, it's fine." Sokka gestured his hands for them to leave. "This seems like a waterbender only thing anyways."

"Well, alright then, bye guys. Make sure to have the fire ready once we get back." And with that final goodbye from Aang, they were off.

"You do realize Katara just called you stinky right?" Toph teased.

"Oh don't listen to her." Sokka flexed some of his muscles. "The berries I rubbed on myself can really attract the ladies. She just isn't lady like enough to get it." 

"Whatever you say, Mr. I attract all the ladies with my rotten berry smells even Momo can't handle. I'll be chilling in the shade the entire afternoon if you need me."

"Wait, don't. I planned an entire day for us while Aang and Katara were away. And who knows? Maybe you can learn a thing or two in self-defense from..." He pointed both his thumbs toward himself, "me."

There was a short amount of silence. Small chuckles can be heard. Toph was just doing her best not to burst into tears. She could probably become a waterbender if she didn't hold back. Sokka looked back at her, dumbfounded and demanded an answer to this "lack of respect".

"I-I'm sorry, Sokka..." Toph was still trying to hold in some laughter. "But what can I, the greatest earthbender of all time, learn from you?" 


After a few long minutes of Sokka begging, pleading, and promising Toph that he will do whatever she wants him to do for tomorrow, he got her to agree. He started setting up targets at lighting speed. If only Katara can see him moving this fast that doesn't include someone trying to kill them. She would probably ask if Sokka drank some cactus juice again. After finishing up with the targets, he started looking for fallen branches and inspected each one until he got interrupted by Toph.

"What are you doing? I already agreed to play along and you already set up the targets. What's the hold up? Just give me your boomerang already."

"What? And risk endangering my precious boomerang? No way!"

"Then how are we going to practice?"

"You get to make your own boomerang to practice with!"

"Fine. Just leave the making to me, ok?" She got into an earthbending stance. Suddenly, rocks and pebbles started moving closer and formed the rough shape of a boomerang.

"Hey what are you doing!"

She stopped her stance. "I'm making my own boomerang like you said, duh. What did you think I'm making?"

"No, no, no! While I do admit that this base for a boomerang is nice, we can still improve it a bit by—"

"Sokka!" Toph interrupted to make sure her friend wouldn't go on for another hour talking about his thoughts.

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