Element Exchange

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Summary: Somehow, the benders of Team Avatar are now bending different elements from their own, while the non-benders have suddenly become benders themselves. How did this happen?————————————————————————————————————

On Ember Island, Team Avatar is currently hiding in Fire Lord Ozai's beach house awaiting for Aang to be ready to face the former in a battle to decide the faith of the rest of the world.

As part of his training, he and the rest of the hideaways are currently locked in a 1-versus-5 battle on the beach.

Sokka and Suki charged in first in an attempt to catch the avatar's attention. Aang took notice of this and dodged some attacks from them. He then used airbending to blow the weapons out of his assailants' grips and knock them down on their feet.

As the two staggered to get up, Toph attempted to use the sand beneath their feet to try and make Aang stay put long enough for all of them to get a few good hits at him. While it did work at first, it only took a few seconds for the avatar to make a small enough opening for him to wiggle out a bit and bend some sea water to get Toph to release the sand keeping him still.

Katara has now began her attempt at a fight against Aang. She froze the water she had with her, and sent a barrage of spiky icicles towards him.

Aang—who was currently dodging attacks from the previous three—saw the icicles and immediately took a deep breath to blow out fire around him. He blew the fire to surround him, which not only caused the incoming icicles to melt, but also caused all opponents in the near area to step back trying to not get burned which led to an opening for him. He quickly bended sea water towards the earthbender and non-benders, then immediately froze the water causing those mentioned to be completely encased in ice from the neck down.

The airbender knew he couldn't use water against Katara, so he stomped on the ground causing a pillar of earth below the sand to emerge and trap the waterbender.

One more to go.

As if on cue, Zuko leaped out from a nearby bush he was hiding in, and started bending out pillars of fire towards Aang from his dual broadswords. The younger boy used his airbending to disrupt the fire and used it to make a fire vortex of sorts then directed it to the firebender.

When Aang turned to get ready to fight against Toph, who has already started making some cracks in the ice, Zuko suddenly emerged out of the fire vortex and once again attempted to strike the avatar.

The airbender immediately ran closer to the water to have a greater advantage against him and sent a wave of water towards the Fire Nation prince, then freezed him in place. He also used the ice to make sure Toph wouldn't be getting out any time soon.

Before Zuko could even have a chance to start melting the ice, Aang had already encased him in a pillar of earth much like what he did with Katara. All members of the opposing team have now been imprisoned.

And thus, the 1-versus-5 match is over with Aang coming out as the winner.

"H-h-hey, c-can you get us out now?" Sokka asked, gesturing to the ice prison he's in.

Aang immediately freed him, along with Toph and Suki from their frozen troubles, then freed Zuko and Katara. Team Avatar looked across the mess they made while fighting. Some pieces of glass have formed from Zuko and Aang's firebending, pillars of earth are sticking up from the ground, and shards of ice—though quickly disappearing from the heat of the sun—are lying around.

"Damn, Twinkletoes, you really got all of us," said Toph as she punched Aang. "But don't worry, I'll make sure to beat you next time."

"Aren't you so lucky to be the avatar, that is if you didn't have to do the whole 'restoring balance to the world' and all," said Sokka.

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