~Halloween Special! - Part 1~

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Hi! Sorry for uh, dying on this book. I do still want to write this book, but so far I've changed the ending of the last chapter at least seven times; when I have the time anyway. But, I still wanted to write a little special anyway! I might also put this in my one-shot book if I feel like it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the  one-shot! And I hope you guys have a great Halloween!

~[Y/n] P.O.V~
I walked down the hallway, my footsteps echoing around me. I turned left from the hallway into a dimly lit room, with wires hanging from part of the ceiling.

"That has got to be some kind of hazard." I mumbled to myself, turning my attention to a panel and swung it open, beginning to do my task. As I was halfway done, the lights started to dim even further, so I was only able to see about a 1 foot radius around me.

"Well, I think I know what's about to happen. Just at least let me finish my damn task." I grumbled, hurrying to finish. As soon as I had closed the panel, I heard another sound of metal being swung open to my left. I started to turn towards the exit, even though I didn't have much hope in escaping. I somehow had managed to reach the doorway, but before I could step through the door closed, resulting in me slamming face first into it. I heard footsteps behind me, moving quickly, and before I could turn around,


The bright red kill animation flashed across my screen, and ending with my little jellybean astronaut's body on the floor, it's ghost hovering right above it. The other jellybean, which I now noticed was white with little ears on top, ran back up to the vent and hopped back in, just seconds before the door opened. I groaned, moving my little ghost to my next task.

"Man, I didn't even suspect Neko before then. I'm guessing the others still don't either." I sighed, finishing my final wire task, and moving on to a download pad. Halfway through downloading, the report animation flashed across the screen, and the meeting commenced, showing that both myself and, surprisingly Russia, had been the victims of this round. America's character, a little red jellybean with a little army helmet on it's head, had the report symbol next to it,

Immediately the countries started debating in the voice chat.

"America, where did you find the body?" Britain asked first.

"No! Who killed [Y/n]?!??!" France screeched into his microphone, which cause some feedback on my end.

"Wait, where did Russia die then?" Canada asked.

"You guys are all too loud." China mumbled into his microphone.

"America, can you please tell us who you found and where it was?" Germany asked, sounding very tired of this discussion already, although he did seem like he wanted to genuinely solve this mystery.

"Seeing all the little jellybeans with their little hats here are so cute!" Neko squealed, almost drowning out Germany.

"Wait, why hasn't anyone fixed the lights yet?" Italy asked, seemingly very confused.

"Alright everyone, hold on! Russia is sus!" America yelled, which caused at least one or two people, including myself, to sigh and/or facepalm.

"Uh, America, Russia's dead." Canada sighed, which resulted in an 'oh' from America.

"Wait, he died on the first round? Haha! That must suck!" America laughed, then stopped and sounded embarrassed.  "Oh, uh, sorry [Y/n]."

"I don't think it's very smart to insult the dead, America." Italy said.

"Yeah, but anyway. I was on my way to fix the lights in that death trap of a room, and I just saw [Y/n] lying right behind the door way. " America said.

"Did you see anyone in there America?" Britain asked.

"No, because the lights were out, and because I reported as soon as I saw the body." America said.

'Well, do we even have any clues as to who the two imposters may be?" Germany asked.

"I don't think I saw America doing any tasks." Neko said.

"Yeah, wasn't he just running around the ship?" Italy added. I noticed there was a notification on the chat icon, and I clicked it, opening the chat. Since only Russia and I were dead, we could see each other's messages, while the others couldn't.

Fuck you America
I'm glad you can't read the chat
I'm literally already dead

Did America kill you?

No, it was Germany
I wouldn't even let that dumbass anywhere near me
I hope he gets ejected into the void of space

Damn, Neko got me
She didn't even seem sus

Wait, Neko? Really?
I thought Canada was the other one

She seems scary good at this
And I did think he was a little sus
Guess we both thought wrong, huh? Lol

I guess so
Oh, America's being voted out

I focused my attention back onto the voice call, and apparently Russia was right.

"What?!? You guys can't do that!!" America yelled.

"I mean, technically we can. That's how the discussions are supposed to work." Neko said, giggling a little at the end.

"Well, I believe we have all reached the same conclusion." Germany said, clearly confident in his answer.

"Wait, we have?" Italy asked.

"No, we haven't!!" America yelled. Although, the game believed otherwise. Discussion time had ended, and majority of the countries had already voted for him, with the exception of Italy and America. America had voted for Germany, while Italy had skipped. I could hear America moving away from his device while yelling something, and I could hear his headphones hitting the floor.

"Oh boy, this is going to be an interesting game." I mumbled, but still smiled nonetheless.

Sorry for the short story, but, on the bright side, you guys can vote for several ending again like the last holiday special I did! So, same as last time, I'll write three endings with the most votes, aka the most comments on them! Although, I don't think there are going to be as many options as the last holiday special, so sorry about that. (honestly I'm not doing some of the older countries like Reich or Soviet because I think they would have no idea how to play and would get frustrated at whoever kills them, and I personally don't think it would be as interesting as some of the ideas I have for other countries) I will put an other option though, so maybe if someone's comment can get enough replies, I might do that one!











Other(Please specify who!)

Again, I hope you enjoyed reading this so far, and again, sorry for not updating much! hope you have/had a happy Halloween!
Edit: Ok, so my device that I'm using is saying I didn't post this? But I swear I did? So if there are two of these chapters please let me know-

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