~Bloopers - Part 1~

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Heyyyyy, so, uh, it's been a while! And by a while I mean a a literal year, haha. Honestly, i've just kinda, forgot about the story, between getting Covid and finals tests, and just stuff like that. So, while i try and remember how the plot of the next chapter is supposed to go, here's a kinda filler chapter! This'll be a sort of actor au for this book's story, as well as a bit of a recap, so I hope you guys enjoy! (Also I'm planning on making another version of this story but instead of countryhumans it's Hetalia, so please let me know what some of you think of this)


A Promise


"Alright, please do not panic, it will be alright." [Y/n] said. One of the soldiers looked up in disbelief. 

"Are- are you an angel" He asked. 

"Uhhhhhh- sure." [Y/n] said, then burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, what was the line?"


"W-who are you?" Britain asked. 

"God." [Y/n] said.


"No, but I might as well be-"


As they reach the trench, Britain goes limp. 

"Wha- oh shit-" [Y/n] struggles with the limp body of Britain, nearly dropping him. "Britain please stand up I think I might drop you-"



[Y/n], continuing to clean up the battlefield's souls, then a prop grenade lands in frame by hitting [Y/n] on the head

"Ow! Holy shit whoever threw that has a good arm-"


[Y/n], finished with cleaning up the battlefield, looks around at the carnage of the scene. At that moment, the body of a soldier sit up and yells, "AUGhrgggg!". 

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT-" [Y/n] jumps, tripping and falling the process. 


[Y/n] lands on a bed of flowers, but stumbles in the process. "Woah- sorry, my bad, can we do that again? Flying is hard."


Britain, in the makeshift tent with France, sitting in silence. France clears his throat, and says "If you don't mind me asking, mon amie, who was that woman that carried you to the trench? She was kind of cute-"

"Wait that's not the line-"


France stands up from Britain's bedside. "Well, I should leave now. Get some rest, mon amie." He then turns around and smacks into a table by the tent entrance. "Merde!"


A Sudden Attack - Part 1

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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