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"What are you doing?" Clint crosses his arms as he suspiciously watches Natasha fiddle in the kitchen.

"Cooking. And if you start with your nasty remarks I'll punch you." She waves her finger before turning the knob on the oven.

He shakes his head, "I'm more worried about that knife in your hand than a punch. Do you mind if I ask you why you are cooking?"

"For Izabella." She remains casual, eyes focusing on her work.

"Oh. Is that the girl from the hospital? What happened with that?"

"I'll fill you in later...she's young, smart. The food there has got to be disgusting. I guess, I feel bad for her?"

He pouts slightly, "Just don't poison her with whatever this is."

She points toward the Tupperware Barton reaches to place on the counter. Natasha scoops her casserole and seals it with the plastic cover.

Tony steps forward wrapping his arms around Clint's shoulders;

"Good-morning Robin Hood. How's it going Little Red."

Barton snaps and with a quick flip pins Stark to the wall, "Alright! Alright! I will never touch you again! Geez!"

Thor steps into the room, "I smell the deliciousness of various edible items, but not the form fit for breakfast."

"Or any time of day," Clint retorts.

Tony rolls his wrists after Barton releases them, "Pepper got your requested muffins Thor."

Thor spreads a stupid grin over his face, "Lady Potts is very kind."

Natasha glances toward the clock on the wall, "Is Bruce in the lab?"

Stark opens his refrigerator, "If he's not in your room."

She drops her hand to her hip.

Tony responds after judging the threat level in her expression;

"He's upstairs in his apartment, looks awful and he sounds awful. He's getting ready to visit that kid but I told him to just stay home. He was on the phone, I think with the hospital, when I came down here. Maybe you can call Fury, tell him he's sick or something."

She rolls her eyes, "It's physically impossible for him to be sick."

"No! Are you stupid?!"

She widens her eyes, "No I just read his file."

"You read- have you gone through all of our personal information?!"

Natasha crosses her arms, "What do you want to know?"

"Why Steve is such an asshole."

Natasha mumbles a swear under her breath. Barton just offers a smirk as he watches the conversation slowly go downhill.

Steve collides with Romanoff as she enters the elevator in a huff, quickly moving from out of her way. He looks up to address the others;

"What's going on."

Thor greets the Captain with a friendly wave;

"The man of metal has decreed that you are in fact an asshole."

. . . . . . . . . .

Natasha lightly taps on the door in front of her, "Bruce?"

Dr. Banner quietly opens it inviting her in, holding the phone to his ear as he taps his lips in a motion for her to stay quiet.

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