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Barton sits back in his chair addressing his two friends at the table, "She's making sense, but it's like 'triggered Nat'. I can't snap her out of it. She hasn't smiled in a week, she won't catch Candy in her mouth- ice cubes?! Maxing out ice cubes in our cheeks is our thing!"

"You sound nuts," Tony snorts.

Rogers shrugs. Seated around the gym, Thor is attempting to focus on his bench pressing;

"I would like the weight to increase."

Steve complies by adding another thirty. Clint's jaw drops out of frustration for the lack of response to his complaints;

" guys seriously don't care. Bunch of morons."

Tony moves toward his treadmill and rests his water on the edge,

"Sorry Robin Hood. Your friend is usually pissed off. I don't see any difference in how she's behaving."

"She hates you! Of course you don't see fun Nat!"

"She has fun?! I don't see the issue, sorry."

"I have mail," Pepper carries a small stack into the gym and tosses the envelopes onto the table.

Tony mumbles as he begins his run, "Anything for me can go in the shredder."

Rogers makes his way over to the stack and lifts the first few, "For Stark, Stark, more Stark...for 'Natalie and Bruce'."

Tony lifts his head mid run, "Huh. They have fans now! Surprise surprise."

"Don't be mean. This one is from Russia."

"That's pricey postage."

"It's not- but okay."

Clint stands to take the envelope from Steve, reading the name in the corner, "It's that little kid Nat connected with at the hospital."

"What kid?'" Natasha lingers in the door frame with a questioning glance. She seems calm aside from her hand held comfortably over her pistol. Her eyes are wide, her lips secure in their straight line.

Clint lifts the envelope, "From Russia. That kid from the hospital."

"Mickey something. Iliza Mickey- I don't know," Tony interrupts.

Natasha reaches to take it from him, ripping it open. Her eyes scan over the Russian text. She refolds it quickly, far more concerned over why her name was being mentioned among the crew. Her eyes shift to avoid looking at Barton directly;

"Did you hear from Fury about the mission wrap up?"

"I handled it."

"Oh," she sounds disappointed.

Clint crosses his arms, "Why do you ask?"

She shrugs and mumbles above a whisper, "Nothing. Nevermind. I was gonna go to the shooting range for a bit. Anyone want to come?"

"Did you read your letter?"

"I'll read it later,' she drops it on the table, uncharacteristically ignoring Izabella's correspondence, 'Are you coming with me or not."

Barton nods, unsure if he wants to leave her alone, "I'll come. Steve?"

"Not today but thank you for the invitation."

Stark waves from his treadmill, "Hard pass."

Pepper smiles, quietly reading her digital emails in the corner, "Next time!"

Thor drops his weight, "I am interested!"

Natasha provides a sarcastic smile with an eyebrow raise, "Great. Let's go before it gets too late. We're losing daylight hours. Unlike Clint, I can't see in the dark let alone shoot."

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